- occipital plexus 枕丛
- The Sheath of the Brachial Plexus: Fact or Fiction? 臂丛的鞘:真实还是虚构?
- The occipital protuberance was well developed. 枕骨隆突明显突出。
- The white light enters your solar plexus. 白光进入你的腹腔神经丛。
- Moderately defined occipital protuberance. 耳根处略宽于眉毛的位置。
- Remember the solar plexus chakra. 回忆起太阳丛脉轮。
- Brachial plexus block is a peripheral nerve block. 臂丛神经阻滞是一种临床上常用的周围神经阻滞。
- One of the men had smashed his fist into Julia's solar plexus. 另外有个人一拳打倒朱莉亚的太阳穴神经丛。
- Subdivide with a horizontal parting below the occipital. 在后头骨下面以水平线分别细分。
- Brachiai plexus injury is commonly seen in rehabilitation clinic. 摘要臂神经丛受伤是门诊常见的问题。
- For pain in the stomach and solar plexus: often used with rou gui. 用于脘腹疼痛常与肉桂等同用。
- Chart 1.Cerebral contusion of right occipital lobe . 图1右枕叶脑挫裂伤。
- The occipital sinus has connections with intracranial veins and vertebral vein plexus, thus play a role in accessory venous drainage from the intracranial and in metastatic spread of diseases to intracranium. 枕下海绵窦与颅内静脉、椎静脉丛存在交通,在颅内辅助引流静脉及疾病脑转移中起着重要作用。
- Bigger doubled his fist and struck his solar plexus. 别格捏紧拳头,敲打自己的太阳神经丛。
- The occipital chakra also sustains the chi of the entire field in balance. 枕骨脉轮也维系着整个能量场气的平衡。
- The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater. 脉络丝由软脑膜的疏松结缔组织构成。
- To study the depression of occipital arachnoid granulation by normal CT scans. 通过正常颅脑ct扫描图像,对枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹进行研究。
- Results Occipital condyle (OC) was an important sign and its long axis was 24. 结果枕骨髁为术中重要的解剖标志,枕骨髁长径,左侧24。
- Skull.The skull is well domed, showing a pronounced occipital protuberance. 脑袋:略微圆拱,后枕骨明显的突出。
- Fig.1-3 Anatomical relations of brachial plexus when limb is hyperabducted. 图1-当上肢过度外展时臂丛神经局部解剖关系。