- occasional noise pulse 偶然噪声脉冲
- As for sounds, there was the steady drone of the snorers, and a small occasional noise, a flickering or pecking that I could in no way account for. 至于声音,除了打鼾的人持续不断的呼噜声外,我还听到里面偶尔传出一种轻微的响声,像有什么东西在扑打翅膀或啄食,但我说不清那究竟是什么。
- This article briefly describes the thoughts,key points and test result of a low noise pulse amplifier used in Laser Isotope Mass Spectrometer. 本文简要介绍了用于激光共振电离质谱实验的低噪声脉冲放大器的设计思路、实现的要点及其测试结果。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- There is all occasional pause in my pulse. 我有时候脉博间歇。
- She needed an occasional prompt. 她需要不时给予提示。
- All the solemnities of the occasion were observed. 那种场合下应该具有的一切庄重的仪式都举行了。
- An unwanted false electronic pulse. 一种不希望有的假电子脉冲。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- I enjoy an occasional night out at the theatre. 我偶尔晚上出去看看戏。
- He had perked himself up for the occasion. 他为此事打扮了一番。
- The noise awoke her from her revery. 这声音把我她从沉思中惊醒。
- There will be occasional showers during the day. 白天将偶有阵雨。
- A funeral is a melancholy occasion. 葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。
- That noise is driving me frantic. 那种噪音真要把我弄疯了。
- He will help us as occasion requires. 必要时,他会帮助我们的。
- The thick walls deadened the noise from the street. 这道厚墙隔绝了街上的噪音。
- On that occasion he looked a perfect fool. 在这个场合,他看起来就像一个大傻瓜。
- I only smoke an occasional cigar. 我只是偶然抽一支雪茄。
- The story came pat to the occasion. 那个故事恰恰适合那个场合。