- Class adds an entry to the directory. 类将项添加到目录中。
- obtain an entry to 获准进入
- In the Find Symbol Results window, double-click an entry to locate an instance of the symbol in your code. 在“查找符号结果”窗口中,双击某项以便在代码中定位符号实例。
- Press ENTER on an entry to switch focus to the location of the bookmark in the editor. 在项上按Enter键可以将焦点切换至编辑器中书签的位置。
- He said the Government would offer every Neet 16 and 17-year-old a place on an “Entry to Employment” course in January. 他表示,政府将于明年1月为16岁至17岁的啃老族提供“进入职场”培训。
- Method is called, which can then write an entry to the log, restart the thread, restart the system, or take whatever corrective or diagnostic action it deems necessary. 方法,该方法可以向日志写入一条记录、重新启动线程,然后重新启动系统,或采取它认为必要的任何纠正或诊断操作。
- To men of practice, heavenly gate is an entry to practice, out of which they are common people, into which they become celestial, sage, arhat and Bodhisattva. 天门开启对修行的人而言,当然是指修行进入另一个重要关口;在天门以外是凡人,进入天门就成仙、成圣、成阿罗汉、成菩萨矣!
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申请入境签证。
- Care should be taken to obtain an unbiased sample. 要取得一个真实无误的样本,须应仔细从事。
- I've come to apply for an entry visa. 孙:我是来申请入境签证的。
- He managed to gain entry to an exclusive club. 他设法加入了一家入会限制严格的俱乐部。
- It provides an entry to the Manage Certificates dialog box and the Certificate Import Wizard as described in the following steps. 正如下面的步骤所述,它提供了通向“管理证书”对话框和“证书导入向导”的入口。
- Block could be used to add an entry to an error log, but then re-throw the exception to allow subsequent handling to the exception. 块可以用来向错误日志中添加项,但在随后重新引发异常,以便允许对异常进行后续处理。
- One who casually drops in, as to visit or obtain an appointment. 不速之客偶然来访或订约会的人
- Action: Try to obtain an uncorrupted version of the export file. 各位是否曾经遇到过这种情况?
- A bomb was founded at the entry to the Capitol. 在美国国会大厦的入口处发现一颗炸弹。
- May I move the date of entry to January 1990? 是否可以将我的入学日期提前至1990年1月份?
- How do I obtain an accurate time? 我如何获得一个精确的时间?
- He finally gained entry to the hotel by giving some money to the doorman. 他给了门 一些钱,终於得以进入旅馆。