- obstetric paralyses [医] 产伤麻痹
- The drug paralyses movement in the legs. [该药物的作用是使得人的腿部丧失活动能力。
- Is Caesarian Section covered by the Obstetric Package service? 产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?
- Does damage and paralyses your opponent for a short time. 造成伤害并短时间内麻痹对手。
- lower radicular obstetrical paralysis 下位神经根产伤性麻痹
- Doctors believe that some mental disorders can produce paralyses. 医生们认为,精神失常会导致身体瘫痪。
- obstetric paralysis 产伤麻痹,分娩麻痹,产伤瘫痪
- The early treatment of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy with microsurgery. 产瘫的早期显微外科治疗。
- "Aconite, which paralyses the nerves, normally takes only 30 minutes to kill. “乌头可以麻痹神经,通常服后30分钟后即可致命。
- Can booking of the NEP Obstetric Package be made by a representative? 预约非符合资格人士产科套餐服务可否由他人代办?
- Results: The incidence of obstetric hemorrhagic shock in this study was 0. 47%. 结果:产科出血性休克发生率为0.47%25,宫缩乏力仍是出血性休克的首要原因;
- Placental factor was the primary indication of obstetric hysterectomy. 胎盘因素是子宫切除的首要原因。
- Objectives: In Taiwan, the increase of foreign-born mothers and the high prevalence of Cesarean rate are major issues in obstetric medical care. 摘要目标:现今我国产科照护之主要议题为外籍产妇的不断增加及过高的剖腹产率。
- Botulinum endotoxin (or "Botox" as it is more widely known) paralyses muscles for a temporary period. 肉毒杆菌毒素(或"肉毒毒素",因为它是更广为人知)肌肉瘫痪一段短暂时期。
- Results One patient treated by intraoral approach and six by extraoral approach resulted in facial paralyses. 结果用口内辅助经颊小切口入路患者中有1例内固定术后出现面瘫;
- Therefore, We must pay attention to chest diseases if we find vocal fold paralyses. 病毒感染也是引起声带麻痹的原因之一。
- And the process should start later: at present, it paralyses the world's mightiest government for more than a year. 这一程序应该迟些启动:当前,它使得世界上最强大的政府有一年多处于瘫痪之中。
- When the obstetric conjugata and BPD difference <(2.1) cm,the happenness of operation delivery increased. 当骨盆入口前后径与胎儿双顶径的差值<2.;1 cm时剖宫产的发生率增加。
- We must break this cycle, for it paralyses our growth not only as individuals, but as a society. 我们必须打破这种循环,因为它瘫痪我们的经济增长不仅是个人,而是作为一个社会。
- Objective:To study the possibility of decreasing the incidence of obstetric hysterectomy and complications. 目的:探讨降低产科子宫切除术及并发症发生的可能性。