- Significantly New York is left out of this list. 意味深长的是纽约这个城市的名字从名单中划掉了。
- For varus rotation, we observed significant increases in instability after FCL sectioning at all flexion angles. 在内翻旋转时,我们观察到在不同屈曲角度FCL横断后其不稳定性增加。
- Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? 那个国家的人过圣诞节吗?
- The positive expression of the p53 p73 was observed significant correlation with Dukes stages and differentiated grades of the colon cancer. 且p53、p73在结肠癌中的阳性表达之间也具有相关性。
- Profits have risen significantly. 利润已大大提高了。
- Students must observe the code of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。
- We should observe the proprieties. 我们应该遵守礼节。
- Among the other experimental scenarios, there was no observed significant difference, suggesting that applying insect repellent outmost not result in excess absorption of Deet. 其它实验彼此间并无显著的差异,显示先涂防晒乳,再涂防蚊液的方式,应不致造成敌避的过量吸收。
- Be careful to observe the proprieties. 注意遵守礼仪。
- Did you observe any agglomerate in the experiment? 你在试验中观察到什么附聚物吗?
- The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe. 我们很难观察月亮的另一边。
- The scores of AIMS were signif... 有效率641%25,显著较对照组的250%25为高。
- In previous studies we have observed significant individual difference of blood pressure regulating ability in rabbits under LBNP which sharply decreased the circulatory blood volume. 在以往的研究中,我们曾观察到家兔在有效循环血量急剧减少的下体负压条件下血压调节能力有很大个体差异。
- By 1997, we were being referred patients by a pediatric neurologist, who was following a mutual patient and observed significant changes in the child's behavior after implementation of our treatments. 1997年时我们经常接到一位小儿神经科医师的转诊病患,因为他观察到有一位他的病患经过我们治疗后行为有极大的进步。
- Be God and upon my conscience, I did not observe it. 凭上帝发誓,也是凭我的良心说,我没有看见。
- They decided to break with (ie not observe) tradition. 他们决定要打破传统。
- Observe carefully how the bacteria respond to this stimulus. 仔细观察细菌对这一刺激有什么反应。
- He would have looked significantly at Charlie. 他一定会意味深长地看看查理。
- Some people observe Christmas here. 在这儿有些人过耶诞节。
- Results The levels of serum CRP in patients with ACI signif... 结论CRP与ACI明显相关,血清CRP水平对判断患者病情及预后是一个有效指标。