- This was painted from life,not from a photograph. 这是根据模特儿画的,而不是根据照片。
- He does not want much from life. 他对生活所求无多.
- She had lessons in drawing from life. 她学了实物写生课程。
- Of what you expected from life besides death. 曾经以生命所企盼的你再一无所有。
- We cannot demand from life how things should be. 我们是不可以指令世事如何发生的。
- Ture emotion is derived from life. 真情实感来源于生活。
- Artists draw their inspiration from life. 艺人们把艺术融入生活。
- From life to death is a man's reach. 人生历程就是从生到死。
- What do you observe from Joshua's reaction to their request? 从约书亚对他们请求的反应上,你有什么观察?
- From life to death is man's reach. 生与死只有一墙之隔。
- From life to mind: Kan Tai-Keung's design and art. 生活心源:靳埭强设计与艺术。
- Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite. 藉助卫星可观察到部队的调动。
- These are the animals drawn from life. 这些都是动物写生。
- This was painted from life, not from a photograph. 这是根据实物而不是根据照片画的。
- I feel so cut off from life here. 在这里我感觉像与世隔绝一样。
- You are advised to observe from a site with unobstructed view of southeast. 巿民可选择东南方视线不受阻挡的地点观测。
- Poetry is from life, not from technique. 诗是生活;不是技巧.
- Was art actually cribbing from life? 还是艺术抄袭生命?
- As always, you'll see more meteors if you observe from a dark location. 和平常一样,如果你在黑暗的位置观察,你会看到更多的流星。
- Just an observation from reader's perspective. 只是从一个读者的角度。