- Solution of Determining Observable Determinism of Rules in Active Database 主动数据库中规则可观察确定性判定问题的一个解决方法
- observable determinism 可观察确定性
- Observable phenomena; an observable change in demeanor. 可观察到的现象; 可观察到的态度上的变化
- The tendency precipitates into observable motion. 这种倾向以可以观察到的运动形式呈现出来。
- Lincoln's birthday is an observable holiday. 林肯的生日是应该庆祝的纪念日。
- But this view is widely observable. 但是这项观点已被普遍认同。
- In fact, determinism is required for self-control. 事实上,自我控制需要决定论。
- Similar trends are observable in mainland Europe. 类似的趋势在欧洲大陆也能见到。
- The notion of linguistic determinism. 语言决定论的概念。
- Lowest observable adverse effect level. 可观察到在生理上或毒性反应上产生影响的最低浓度。
- The determinism property of the function or view. 函数或视图的确定性属性。
- Determinism denies the existence of free will. 宿命论否认自由意志的存在。
- Its only contact with reality is through observable quantities. 它与真实唯一的接触是通过可观测量实现。
- Their observable universe also used to be the size of a grapefruit. 而他们的可见宇宙也曾经只有葡萄柚般的大小。
- Einstein was distressed at this loss of determinism. 爱因斯坦为这种抛弃决定论的做法而担忧。
- This effect will be observable in SE and PP applications. 这一现象在SE和PP上都有观察到。
- Computers simulate determinism; only the Tao is perfect. 计算机只是决定论的产物;只有道才是唯一完美的。
- Their only observable characteristics were energy and spin. 它们仅有的可观测特征是能量与自旋。
- Strictly speaking, however, fatalism is not a form of determinism. 严格说来,宿命论并不是一种决定论。
- It was then observable that the substance was greenish. 这时可以看出那种东西是淡绿色的。