- obligatio generis [法] 种类之债
- Species novae generis Asparagi e flora sinica. 文章题目 中国天门冬属新种.
- Filices novae sinenses generis Arachniodes Bl. 国产复叶耳蕨属的新分类群.
- Lice or fails to perform its obligatio under this Contract. 许可人未能履行其合同义务。
- All of the obligatio of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint and several. 担保人在本担保书项下承担的所有义务均应是连带的。
- The competent commercial departments have the obligatio to keep commercial secret for the perso concerned. 商务主管部门有义务为当事人保守商业秘密。
- The same definition of pirates as hostis humani generis could also be applied to international organized terrorism. 海盗是人类公敌这一定义,同样适用于有组织的国际恐怖主义。
- Title: Italiano/Arte/Musica/Generi - Musica diversa Il blog si occupa di generi musicali nuovi e poco conosciuti. 杭州都快传媒有限公司提供杭州本地的美食、租房、旅游、拉风、跳蚤、求职、交友、亲子等城市生活服务的互动空间。
- Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child, and he added a running obligatio. 详细的分享内容我已经不记得了,我只记得她的分享让我好感动。
- Liabilities are the obligatio or debt that a busine must pay in money or services at some time in the future. 负债是指将来需用货币或服务偿还的债务或履行的义务。
- In Latin legalese, pirates are termed hostis humani generis (an “enemy of mankind”). 在拉丁法律术语中,海盗被称为hostishumanigeneris,即人类之敌;
- Investments in debt obligatio usually are maintained in the accounts at cost until they are sold or mature. 债权投资在帐户中以成本记录,直到出售或到期。
- Shijingshan While staying in five, but it is very old urban development sui generis. 石景山虽然身在五环外,但它很早就是发展自成一体的老城区。
- The parties shall abide by the principle of fairne in prescribing their re ective rights and obligatio . 第六条当事人行使权利、履行义务应当遵循诚实信用原则。
- The parties shall abide by the principle of good faith in exercising their rights and performing their obligatio . 第七条当事人订立、履行合同,应当遵守法律、行政法规,尊重社会公德,不得扰乱社会经济秩序,损害社会公共利益。
- Now widely accepted theory is sui generis relation theory, which recognizes director-corporation relation as a special fiduciary relationship. 当今广为接受的通说为特殊关系说,即董事与公司的关系是一种特殊的信义关系(fiduciary relationship)。
- Hold the bird's wings, years of light reflected by hand, each are recorded in the past palmprint became dribs and drabs, sui generis beauty. 抓不住的岁月的鸟翼,被火光映手掌,每一道掌纹都记载着过去的点点滴滴,都成了自成一格的美丽。
- AreaDisco - Descrive la discoteca che propone tre sale con tre generi musicali: commerciale, revival, latinoamericano. Forum, chat e newsletter. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- A foreign individual or enterprise generally has the same litigation rights and obligatio as a citizen or legal person of the PRC. 外国个人或外国企业一般与中国公民或法人具有同样的诉讼权利及义务。
- Any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligatio under the contract shall be co idered as a su tantial breach. 一方当事人不履行本合同的全部或任何部分义务均应被视为是根本违约。