- Object Tracking in Infants and Adults: A Domain-specific Mechanism? 婴儿和成人的目标追踪:是特定领域机制吗?
- The experimental result indicates that the algorithm can realize the real-time object tracking while ensuring the tracking veracity. 仿真实验表明,本算法在保证跟踪准确度的同时,可以满足实时跟踪的要求。
- Furthermore, we will propose a 1-D IIR filter in spatio-temporal domain for object tracking. 接著,我们提出一个在时空域里的一阶IIR滤波器来做物体追踪。
- According to the key technique influencing the particle filter, a Gassian mixture particle filter for non-rigid object tracking is presented. 针对影响粒子滤波算法性能的关键技术,提出了基于混合高斯模型的粒子滤波算法,并将其用于基于颜色的非刚性目标的实时跟踪相关问题。
- According to the key technique influencing the particle filter,a Gassian mixture particle filter for non-rigid object tracking is presented. 针对影响粒子滤波算法性能的关键技术,提出了基于混合高斯模型的粒子滤波算法,并将其用于基于颜色的非刚性目标的实时跟踪相关问题。
- Two approaches have been recently commercialized representing the state of the video intelligence market: single algorithm centric and object tracking centric. 近年来有两种方法出现于视频监控市场:单一算法和物品跟踪算法。
- In this paper, we present a low complexity motion tracking method for toy robot applications that contains two steps: motion detecting and object tracking. 本文提出一个应用在娱乐机器人之低复杂度的移动物体追踪方法,其中包含两个部份:移动侦测与物件追踪。
- In our framework, color model and shape model are adaptively fused, a new model update scheme is also proposed, this improves the stability of the object tracking. 同时,在新的跟踪算法框架中,将颜色模型和形状模型自适应的融合,并采用一种新的模型更新方法,这提高了目标跟踪的稳定性。
- Experiments turned out the algorithm works efficiently and robustly for the occluding object tracking and the tracking when the gray scale of target and background are similar. 实验表明,该方法对于目标和背景灰度相似以及目标被部分遮挡时的跟踪是有效和稳健的。
- To display an object track, draw a map for the time and date of the start of the track, and locate the object on the map. 要显示一个物体的轨迹,按照你要观察的轨迹起点日期新建一张星图,并在星图上选择这个天体。
- The experimental results show that our proposed technique performs favorably when compared with many other well-known edge detection algorithms. This edge detection technology can be used widely in system such as ART,real time object tracking,etc. 实验结果表明此算法较canny等经典算法减少了计算量,提高了边缘检测精度。
- The color-based particle filter for real-time object tracking determines the location of the object mainly using color information and incorporating the motion prediction and frame similarity. 基于颜色的粒子滤波实时跟踪算法主要是利用视频图像的颜色直方图信息,综合考虑运动预测和帧间的相似性来确定目标的位置。
- In object tracking, the parameters of the Kalman filter are adjusted and the object model is updated according to the similarity measure which indicates whether or not the object is occluded. 根据遮挡程度自适应地调整卡尔曼滤波器的参数和模型更新过程,提高了在遮挡情况下算法的鲁棒性。
- Experiment result shows, for some complex tracking conditions such as overall occultation and object tracking with fast moving and great maneuverability, the proposed algorithm has a better robust. 最后,进行了对大机动快速运动的小目标和被严重遮挡目标的跟踪实验,结果表明该算法具有较强的鲁棒性。
- S. A. El-Azim, I. Ismail and H. A. El-Latiff, “An efficient object tracking technique using block-matching algorithm,” Proc. of the Nineteenth National Radio Science Conf, pp.427-433, (2002). 吴晋嘉、刘伦伟,“运用区块运估测之即时多目标影像追踪”,硕士论文,海洋大学,机械与轮机工程所,(2004)。
- Moving objects tracking in atmosphere turbulence is an important research task, and has broad applications in both military and unmilitary field. 大气湍流中运动目标跟踪是一个重要的研究课题,在军事、非军事领域有着广泛的应用。
- Tracking wild animals requires great stealth. 跟踪野生动物必须悄然无声。
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。
- He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
- SG2: Noncompliance issues are objectively tracked and communicated,and resolution is ensured. 中文大意是:发现的问题要客观地被跟踪、沟通并解决。