- object state machine 对象状态机
- What Exactly Is a Finite State Machine? 有限状态机定义?
- The state machine is stacked against the people. 国家机器与人民对立。
- A business state machine can be implemented by a BPEL process. 业务状态机可以透过BPEL流程来实现。
- Therefore, the introduction of the finite state machine concepts. 为此,引入有限状态机的概念。
- An inappropriate call to an object is made, based on the object state. 根据对象的状态,对某个对象进行不适当的调用。
- A finite state machine can only be in one state at any moment in time. 有限状态机在任一时刻都只能够处于一种状态中。
- It uses no processor time while waiting for the object state to become signaled or the time-out interval to elapse. 于是,只有一个正在等待的线程醒来,其它等待的线程将继续睡眠。
- At the heart of every state machine lies an implementation of double dispatch. 在每个状态机的核心都有一个双重分派的实现。
- Supports the methods that convert permission object state to and from an XML element representation. 支持使权限对象状态与XML元素表示形式进行相互转换的方法。
- Do allow properties to be set in any order even if this results in a temporary invalid object state. 允许按任意顺序设置属性,即便这样做会导致出现暂时无效的对象状态也如此。
- It is also used by the LosFormatter class to provide object state graph formatting for various parts of the ASP.NET infrastructure. 它还被LosFormatter类用来为ASP.;NET基础结构的各部分提供对象状态图格式设置。
- Similarly, deserialization extracts data from the serialized representation and sets object state directly, again irrespective of accessibility rules. 类似地,反序列化从序列化的表示形式中提取数据,并直接设置对象状态,这也与可访问性规则无关。
- Neither approach - processes or state machines - is superior. 两种方法过程或者状态机中没有哪个是更好的。
- Some finite state machines fall into this category, for example. 例如,一些有限状态机属于这一类别。
- Demonstrates how to create a state machine workflow that implements a speech-driven menu application. 演示如何创建用于实现语音驱动菜单应用程序的状态机工作流。
- You can also query the state machine? S current state to determine an operation? S validity. 您也可以查询状态机的当前状态来确定操作的有效性。
- For the feature of GUI and OO, A model based finite state machine(FSM) for conformance testing is presented. 一、针对C/S系统的GUI和OO特性,提出了基于有限状态机(FSM)的一致性测试模型。
- The ASM( algorithm state machine) chart is the flow chart used for the description of digital systems . ASM图是算法状态机的简称,是一种用来描述数字系统算法的流程图。
- Monitors for change notifications to create undo units, and the units themselves consist of serialized object states. 会监视更改通知来创建撤消单元,这些撤消单元自身由序列化的对象状态组成。