- no object program instruction 非目标程序指令
- object program instruction 目标程序指令
- An instruction sequence in programmed instruction. 指令程序编排指令中的指令次序
- A program that translates a source program into an executable program(an object program). 一种把源程序翻译成可执行程序(即目标程序)的程序。
- To modify an object program without recompiling the source program. 在不重新编译源程序的情况下修改一个目标程序。
- objective program instruction 目标程序指令,结果程序指令
- Call: A programming instruction that invokes a subroutine. 调用:是程式设计的指令;用它召唤“子例行程式”。
- Translation of a source program into an executable program(an object program). 把源程序转换为可执行程序(目标程序)的过程。
- The program instructions in a read-only storage. 存放在只读存储器中的程序指令。
- A single step in a sequence of programmed instruction. 帧一系列循序渐进的拟定的教学法的单个步骤
- A variable that is given a constant value for a specific document processing program instruction; for example, left margin10. 由特定的文档处理程序指令赋予常数值的一种变量。例如左边10。
- A translator is a program which translates a source program into an equivalent object program. 翻译程序是一个把源程序翻译成结果程序的程序。
- In COBOL, a data item whose value may be changed during execution of the object program. COBOL语言中的一种数据项,它的值可在目标程序执行时改变。
- In COBOL,a data item whose value may be changed during execution of the object program. COBOL语言中的一种数据项,它的值可在目标程序执行时改变。
- A program that translates a source program into an executable program ( an object program ). 一种把源程序翻译成可执行程序(即目标程序)的程序。
- Translation of a source program into an executable program ( an object program ). 把源程序转换为可执行程序(目标程序)的过程。
- Compiler is a program that translate a source program into an executable program (an object program). 编译程序是把源程序翻译成可执行程序(即目标程序)的程序。
- A mechanism for carrying forth programmed instructions despite malfunction or failure of the primary device. 低效运行,撤退即使基本设施失灵或产生故障也能继续按编定的指令工作的机械
- A computer with only one processor for executing program instructions. 一种计算机,它仅有一个执行程序指令的处理器
- Skinner is considered to be the father of operant conditioning and programmed instruction. 10岁时 父母双亡。