- Hunger sign in plant, nutrient deficiency symptom in plant 植物缺素症
- Nutrient Deficiency Symptom and Diagnosis of Malnourished Disease in Sugarbeet 甜菜缺素症状及焉耆垦区甜菜营养生理性病害的诊断
- nutrient deficiency symptom 养分含量
- The nutrient deficiency of Anthurium scherzerianum was studied. The typical symptom of limp and leaves lacking of certain kind of big element were observed and analyzed. 摘要对红掌亚利桑那品种进行了缺素症的研究,分别观察并分析了植株和叶片在缺乏某一种大量元素的情况下,表现出来的典型症状。
- The principal nutrient deficiency affecting fermentation is a lack of usable nitrogen. 营养缺乏症,影响发酵的主要是缺乏可用氮气。
- The yellowing or whitening of normally green plant tissue because of a decreased amount of chlorophyll, often as a result of disease or nutrient deficiency. 缺绿病正常时为绿色的植物组织因为叶绿素数量减少而变黄或变白的现象,常常由于疾病或养分不足所致
- Root exudates play an important role in relieving nutrient deficiency and determining the number of rhizosphere bacteria. 根系分泌物的产生机制多样,组成成分复杂,影响因素繁多。
- Balanced nutrient application was beneficial to N accumulation in seeds, but nutrient deficiency was inclined to accumulate N in straws. 均衡的养分供应有利于N在子粒中积累,而养分缺乏的处理,秸秆中N含量相对较高。
- In several cases, new nutrient deficiency problems that have been holding back responses to N,P and /or K have been found. 许多试验中,我们发现了因某种元素的缺乏,影响了氮、磷、钾肥效的发挥,并发现温室中看到的养分缺乏亦在大田中出现。
- The yellowing or whitening of normally green plant tissue because of a decreased amount of chlorophyll,often as a result of disease or nutrient deficiency. 缺绿病正常时为绿色的植物组织因为叶绿素数量减少而变黄或变白的现象,常常由于疾病或养分不足所致。
- Shrinking cotton production in Anhui province due to nutrient deficiency is leading to shortages in cotton supplies and has recently threatened the provincial textile industry. 安徽省由于养分缺乏造成的棉花生产的萎缩正在引起棉花供应的短缺,最近并威胁着省内的纺织工业。
- In most western countries, serious nutrient deficiencies are rare. 在大多数西方国家,严重的营养不良很少见。
- At a more advanced stage clearer deficiency symptoms start to appear. 进一步缺钾时,开始出现较明显的缺钾症状。
- Arid and semiarid areas are main areas of food production in our country.Water shortage and nutrient deficiency are two key factors that restricted crop production in these areas. 干旱和半干旱地区是我国重要的农业生产区,水分不足和养分缺乏是制约其生产发展的两个关键因素。
- Deficiency symptom and its control in peach tree 桃树缺素症及其综合防治
- The studies on root exduation and their physiological ecology roles were summarized, with emphasis on relationship between root exudation and nutrient deficiency and rhizosphere microorganisms. 摘要综述了根系分泌物对植物生长的生理生态学效应,并就根系分泌物的定义、产生机制、组成成分和影响因素等方面进行了讨论。
- The magnesium content of plant tissue is well correlated with the deficiency symptoms. 植物组织镁含量与缺镁症状有密切的相关性。
- Potential calcium deficiency symptoms may be more likely when the phosphorus intake is very high. 钙缺乏症状可能是更有可能的潜在性当磷吸入非常高的时候。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- Among them, there are 452 photos of K deficiency symptoms, 328 for B, 165 for P , 192 for N, 146 for Ca, and 236 for Mg. 其中的缺钾症状图片有452幅,对硼素丰缺的反应图片有328幅、对磷素丰缺的反应图片有165幅、对氮素丰缺的反应图片有192幅、对缺钙的反应图片有146幅、缺镁的反应图片有236幅等。