- The number of cycles per second is the frequency. 而频率则是指每秒可完成的周期数。
- And the number of cycles that pass in one second is the frequency. 而电磁场每秒的震动次数则称为频率。
- Setting up the sequence of charge and discharge and the number of cycles. 设定充电和放电的次序和循环的次数。
- As the number of cycles of reuse of water increases, salt balance becomes increasingly important. 盐均衡随着水的再利用循环次数的增加而日益变得重要。
- Burst mode operation allows for a user-selected number of cycles per period of time. 脉冲串模式允许用户选择每段时间的周期。
- The RF carrier is the classic sinusoid;its frequency counts the number of cycles (each peak and valley) per second. 这种射频载波属于古典的正弦波,每秒的周期数(一个波峰加一个波谷为一个周期)就是频率。
- Prior to the Linux 2.6 Kernel, file caching on a Linux system could go awry, using a huge number of cycles trying to manage the file cache. 对于Linux 2.;6之前版本的内核;Linux系统上的文件缓存可能会出差错;需要花费大量的周期来管理文件缓存。
- MicroPLC and digital control panel to set and read the test parameters (times, temperatures, humidity and number of cycles) and to display alarms. 微电子及数字式控制器可设置和读取试验参数(时间,温度,湿度及循环次数)并显示报警内容。
- Fatigue strength. The maximum stress level that a material can sustain, without failing, for some specified number of cycles. 疲劳强度:对应某一特定循环次数,材料能承受而不失效的最大应力水平。
- One pair of changes is called a cycle. The number of cycles per second is called frequency, which usually represented by Hertz *(the symbol is: Hz). Abbreviation: AC. 一双变化称为一循环。每秒内的循环称为频率。频率通常以赫芝为单位(符号 Hz)。交流电的英文缩写是:AC。
- The thermophysical properties of the chemi cal storage materials are evaluated by the enthalpies of the reaction and the number of cycles of the reverse reaction. 并从反应焓、逆反应循环次数、量利用率、量密度等方面对反应体系作为一种低温蓄热材料进行了评估。
- It was shown that the cumulative plastic strain depended not only on the applied cyclic stress and number of cycles,but also on the initial static deviatoric stress level. 在上海地区典型饱和软粘土不排水循环三轴试验的基础上,分析了影响软粘土塑性累积变形的主要因素:循环荷载的作用次数,初始静偏应力和循环加载动偏应力。
- The radial deformation rigidities, dissipated energies and open displacements, which have different values for different materials, changed with the increase of number of cycles. 不同材料具有不同的变形刚度、耗散能和张开位移值,并随循环周次的增加而变化。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- A number of new hats were on parade at the wedding. 在婚礼上见到有些人戴著新式的帽子。
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。
- The increase of number of cycle not debased velocity of carburization. 循环次数的增加是不会降低渗碳速度的。
- I seriously question a number of your assertions. 对你所坚持的说法,有几点我甚为怀疑。
- A considerable number of guests have come. 相当多的客人已经来了。
- A number of possibilities come to mind. 我脑里出现了好几种可能性。