- a former international unit of luminous intensity; now replaced by the candela. 旧制光强度国际单位;现在已被烛光取代。
- now replaced by the candela. 现在已被烛光取代。
- A medieval instrument, now replaced by the sextant, that was once used to determine the altitude of the sun or other celestial bodies. 星盘一种中世纪的仪器,曾用来测量太阳或其它天体的高度,现在已被六分仪取代
- A medieval instrument,now replaced by the sextant,that was once used to determine the altitude of the sun or other celestial bodies. 星盘一种中世纪的仪器,曾用来测量太阳或其它天体的高度,现在已被六分仪取代
- A medieval instrument,now replaced by the sextant,that was once used to determine the altitude of the sun.or other celestial bodies. 星盘一种中世纪的仪器,曾用来测量太阳或其它天体的高度,现在已被六分仪取代
- Q:Goliath could benefit from the Charon Boosters in SC:BW, However the Goliath is now replaced by the Viking (air mode) as AtA unit. 问:在母巢之战中的人族的机器人可以通过升级来增加射程,不过现在它已被在空中模式成为空对空单位的维京所代替了。
- The artillery, which the prisoners had seen in front during the early stages, was now replaced by the immense train of Marshal Junot's baggage, convoyed by an escort of Westphalians. 前几天前面还是炮队,现在却是朱诺元帅的庞大车队,这个车队由威斯特法利亚人护卫着。
- Is replaced by the name of the field or property. 用字段或属性的名称替换。
- We are of the second generation,now being replaced by the third. 第二代是我们这一代,现在换第三代。
- It has now been replaced by the World Trade Organization. 现在,关贸总协定已经为世界贸易组织所取代。
- The stiff atmosphere then was now replaced by free and enthusiastic exchange of views on financial developments and co-operation between the Mainland and Hong Kong. 当日是局促不安,今天却是融洽开放,大家乐于积极交流有关内地与香港之间金融发展及合作的意见。
- We are of the second generation, now being replaced by the third. 第二代是我们这一代,现在换第三代。
- Trams are being replaced by the buses. 电车正在被公共汽车所代替。
- The sailing ships were replaced by the steamships. 帆船已被汽船所取代。
- Paper and pen are replacing by the computer. 纸和笔正在被计算机所替代。
- The old will be replaced by the new. 旧的东西将被新的东西代替。
- There was at the time a bridge connecting Ying'Tai with the north bank of Nan'Hai. The bridge floor was now replaced by movable boards. 那时,瀛台通往南海北岸的桥,改成活动桥板;
- The old gas lighting has been replaced by electricity. 旧式煤气灯照明已经为电所取代了。
- The spring constant is replaced by the weighting function. 弹簧常数用权重函数代替。
- Subsequently, the Swastika was replaced by the Cross. 随后,纳粹党所用的十字记号被十字架替代。