- We own the most well-found product line to wait for your choice with the most novel style! 我们拥有最齐全的产品线和最新颖的款式等待您的选择!
- Ostension in advertising tells us why advertiser tends to make use of novel style of language. 接下来的第五章“广告语言中的隐喻”将就广告语言表达的命题与广告制作者意欲表达的思想的关系进行探讨。
- Steel lined reinforced concrete penstock built on the downstreamsurface of dam is used in TGPs power station.This kind of penstock is of a novel style. 三峡电站等工程采用下游坝面钢衬钢筋混凝土管道,这种管道型式新颖,无规范可依。
- Products design novel style, terse elegant, exquisite craft, good quality, graceful line, unique style, it has artistic quality stronger. 产品款式设计新颖、简洁秀气、工艺精致、质量上乘、线条优美、风格独特、具有极强的艺术性。
- Have a team of professional technician and the advanced equipment, ingenious management idea, critiqued quality of products ,various and novel style. 拥有一批专业技术人才及配套的的先进设备,独具匠心的经营理念,精益求精的产品质量,产品款式新颖多样。
- The products they produced are with good material, consummate craft and novel style, which fully embody the perfect combination of the modern technique and art. 选料考究,工艺精湛,款式新颖,充分体现了产品的现代技术和艺术的完美结合。
- "Silver Horse" brand door-closing device wins the favor of customers for its compact size, novel style, high quality, competitive price, well function and easy installation. “银马”牌气动闭门器以它的体积小,外观新颖,质量可靠,价格合理,功能完善,安装方便,赢得广大客户一致赞同和青睐。
- Our company supply solar power LED Garden lights variety specification is complete, novel style, generous tact and reasonable price, welcome to map calls to Hanjing Advisory! ! ! 本公司供应的LED太阳能庭院灯品种规格齐全,款式新颖、大方得体,价格合理,欢迎来电来涵来图咨询!!!
- Literary sketchbook appeared earlier than many kinds of Chinese classical novel and it ran through the Chinese classical novel development, is a oldest and most basic novel style. 在各体各类的中国古典小说中,笔记体小说最早出现,并贯穿于整个中国古典小说的发展轨迹之中,是最古老、最基本的小说样式。
- Our company mainly produces ladies evening bag and makeup bag, Products Fine workmanship, novel style, complete specifications, quality and reasonable price. 我公司主要生产女装时款袋和晚妆袋,产品做工精细,款式新颖,规格齐全,质量上乘,价格合理。
- She writes novels with economical style. 她以简练的风格写小说。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- Chapter three: When facing the puzzledom that the realism can't be transcended, the neonatal writers Bi Feiyu and Guzi create the new novel style ,which is characteristic of fractured age. 第三章:毕飞宇、鬼子这批晚生代作家,面对无法超越“现实主义”书写范式,锻造出以“断片美”为特征的新兴美学文本。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- The Aesthetic features of Lu Yin s novels are as follows: sensibility of character images; realistic writing of subject matters; and privateness of novels styles. 庐隐小说的审美特征主要体现在三个方面:人物形象的情感性;题材内容的写实性;小说体式的私秘性。
- He found contentment in reading novels. 他从看小说当中得到满足。
- With advanced equipments, complete species, attractive appearance and novel styles, especially the high quality, the company has gained home and abroad clients praise and trust. 生产设备先进,产品规格全,造型美观,款式新颖。特别是质量长期达优,所以深得国内外客户的高度赞誉和信赖。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。