- "Notice of claim is too vague understanding of the market share for the different conclusions are different. “公告中的说法太过模糊,对于市场份额的理解各有不同,所得出的结论也有区别。”
- By her taking so much notice of you and treating you in this kind of way, she has given you a sort of claim on her future consideration. 她这么关心你们,这样慈爱地对待你们,就是给了你们一种将来受她照顾的权力。
- Where a valid notice of claim is received, the Commissioner will file an application to a magistrate for the forfeiture of the item(s). 海关关长在接获有效申索通知书后,会向裁判官提出申请没收该等物件。
- Notice of Claim for Less of or Damage to Cargo 货物索赔通知
- Take notice of what I have told you. 注意我告诉你的事情。
- They have received notice of a typhoon approaching. 他们已收到台风即将来临的预报。
- Don't take any notice of others' comments. 不要理会别人的议论。
- Take no notice of his threats they're sheer bravado. 别理会他的威胁--完全是虚张声势。
- Statement of Claim Notice of Appeal Petition for Appeal 权力主张陈述书上诉通知书
- The movers gave me a scant hour's notice of their arrival. 搬家的人只通知给我们短短的一小时,他们就来了。
- Who Possesses the Right of Claim? 剩余索取权属于谁?
- Take no notice of him you know what a show-off he is. 别理睬他--你知道他多喜欢卖弄。
- They are persuaded to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- He took not notice of his father's threat. 他不理会他父亲的恐吓。
- Don't take any notice of what they say. 别去理会他们说些什么。
- We require immediate notice of a change of address. 地址若变更请立刻通知。
- They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- Nobody took notice of the mischief of the matter. 没有人注意到这件事情所带来的危害。
- They is persuade to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater. 排演通知剧院里贴的预演次数的通告