- D: What is the number of the car nearest to us? 离我们最近的车是几号?
- The license number of the car that hit you. 要记下撞你的那辆车的车牌号码。
- Have you got the license number of the car? 您记下那辆车的车牌号了吗?
- I didn't get the number of the car that knocked you over. It was gone in a flash. All I know is that it's a big, brown car. 我没有记下撞倒你的那辆汽车的车号,它一下子就开走了,我只知道那是一辆棕色的大轿车。
- Tom looked at the plate number of the car. 汤姆看了看汽车牌号。
- Could I ask if you remember the license number of the car? 请问,你还记得那辆车的牌照吗?
- The police ran a check on the registration number of the car. 警方对那辆车的牌照号码进行了调查。
- He learned the car number of the robber by heart and called the police. "他暗自记下盗贼的车号,然后报警。"
- Can you tell me the number of the english department? 请告诉我英语系的电话号码好吗?
- He looks up the number of the company in the telephone book. 他从电话簿中查到该公司的电话号码。
- Sam: How awful! I hope you got the license number of the car so you can report this man to the police department. 森:太可怕了!我希望你记得那车的车牌号码,向警察部门报告。
- The system has been used for a number of high-end Cadillac sedan models, including the President of the car dts. 这一系统曾被用于凯迪拉克多款高端轿车车型中,包括总统用车dts。
- I can give you a rough estimate of the number of bricks you will need. 我可大略估算一下你需要多少砖。
- The number of students of the school is increasing. 学校的学生人数正在增加
- A number of the staffs will be retired this year. 一些职工今年将退休。
- Can you tell me the phone number of the consulate? 你能告诉我领事馆的电话号码吗?
- The number of the cars supposes that the city traffic would get busier and busier. 这些汽车的数量意味着该市的交通会越来越拥挤。
- Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? 知道那家餐厅的电话号码吗
- Can you remember the license number of the taxi? 能否记得出租车号?
- We should decreased the number of the cars on the road in order to reduct the fuel consumption. 我们需要通过减少道路上的车辆以降低燃料消耗.