- The airhostess assured the passenger that nothing was wrong with the plane. 空中小姐使旅客确信飞机一切正常。
- The airhostess assured the passengers that nothing was wrong with the plane. 空中小姐使旅客确信飞机一切正常。
- I insisted he go to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing was wrong with him. 我坚持要他去看医生,但他坚持说他没有病。
- Nothing seems to be wrong with the propeller shaft. 转动轴看来没毛病。
- It could even be freakishly true that two goalkeepers could sustain serious head injuries during one game and that nothing be wrong with the game or the culture. 两个守门员在一场比赛中同时受到头部伤害也可以是非常少见但是真的会发生的事件,而有人会说这种比赛这种传统没有丝毫的错误。
- He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承认自己错了。
- From Bell's work it emerged that Bohr was wrong that nothing was wrong with his understanding of quantum mechanics and that Einstein was wrong about what was wrong with Bohr's understanding. 从贝尔的论文我们可以看出,波耳错在他以为他对量子力学的理解没有错,而爱因斯坦错在他对(他自认为)波耳的错误解释提出的批评。
- Something must be wrong with my ear. 我的耳朵有点问题。
- Something must be wrong with the meter. 计程表一定有毛病。
- Something must be wrong with the work. 一定是机件有毛病了。
- Something seemed to be wrong with the train. 火车好像出了故障。
- Something must be wrong with the metre. 计价器一定有毛病。
- He could tell at a glance what was wrong with the car. 他一眼就能看出汽车有什麽毛病。
- Be something wrong with Something must be wrong with your watch. 你的表一定有毛病。
- Jim accepted that he was wrong with an ill grace. 吉姆十分勉强地承认自己错了。
- 1.The airhostess assured the passenger that nothing was wrong with the plane. 空中小姐使旅客确信飞机一切正常。
- Something was wrong with my bike. 我的自行车出毛病了。
- During the earthquake, she kept telling herself that nothing was wrong. 地震时,她不停告诉自己不会有什么事的。
- Carrie saw things were wrong with him. 嘉莉知道他的情况不妙了。
- Eleanor didn't know what was wrong with Grandma. 埃莉诺不知奶奶怎么了,