- He comes here only once in a while, not very often. 他只是偶尔来,不是很经常。
- Not very often you can meet such a nice person. 这么好的人,可不是随随便便就能遇见的。
- Susan comes to see me now and then but not very often. 苏姗有时来看我,但是不很经常。
- I see her most weekends but not very often in between. 我周末大多都能见到她,但平时不常见到。
- Not very often did we get to go anywhere,and to go pick blueberries was a real treat. 我们没有很多机会外出,所以这次出门摘紫浆果可真是件乐事。
- Not very often did we get to go anywhere, and to go pick blueberries was a real treat. 我们没有很多机会外出,所以这次出门摘紫浆果可真是件乐事。
- Red dapples are very often hard to distinguish, because the pattern of lighter red patches is often not very distinct. 但随年龄增长,图案就逐渐消失了。这种狗狗仍然要登记为“大理石”狗,因为它虽然现在身上没有显示出“大理石”,但会遗传到下一代。
- It's not very often that you can change a name that was meant to be derogatory into a name people love. 权证赚钱的方法很多,但首要的是要找到适合你自己的方法和符合你性格的操作!
- National Day to go home and I see he is very thin, flexible operation is not very often have the feeling of pain, only to the county hospital Fenbid eat. 国庆节我回家见他非常消瘦,行动也不是很灵活,还经常有疼痛感觉,县医院只是给吃芬必得。
- The little girl is not very clever at addition. 这个小女孩不太善于做加法。
- It was a misty morning, but not very cold. 这是一个多雾的清晨,但不太冷。
- Not very often. 列车员: 不常下雨。
- He's not very good but he's a real trier. 尽管他并不十分出色,但他至少勤勤恳恳地努力去做了。
- Yes, sometimes, not very often. 有时要加班,但不经常要。
- I'm not very fond of playing chess. 我不太喜欢下棋。
- He's not very receptive to my suggestions. 他不太愿意接纳我的建议。
- It is not heavy downpour, but comes very often. 不是倾盆大雨,但是经常下雨,土地富饶肥沃。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogues. 这个作家不太擅长写对白。
- Your argument seemed not very persuasive. 你的论据不太有说服力。
- Our wooden sofa seems not very comfortable. 我们的木头沙发似乎不太舒服。