- At the time the justifiability of the case was not obvious. 当时,这个案件的可辩明性不明显。
- "People can feel nigrescence but it's not obvious. “能感到变黑的感觉,但不是很明显。
- At the time the justifiability of the case is not obvious. 当时,这个案件的可辩明性不明显。
- Is the danger of a "small circle" mentality still not obvious? 小圈子主义的危险性,难道还不明显吗?
- However, necrosis of neurons was not obvious in HBO + CIR group. HBO +脑缺血再灌注组神经元坏死不明显。
- Heart sapwood distinction was not obvious, chestnut brown. 心边材区别不明显,材色栗褐色。
- PBOC Raises Bank Reserve Ratio Frequently: Why the Effects Are Not Obvious? 近期央行频繁使用存款准备金工具效果为何不明显?
- Influence of concentrationof carbonyl ironon static magnetism was not obvious. 五羰基铁浓度对复合粒子的静磁性能影响不明显。
- The shear dilatancy occurs only at low vertical load and is not obvious. 剪胀现象只在低垂直荷载时发生,且不明显;
- They're extremely insightful, and see things that are not obvious to others. 他们极其富有洞察力,可以看到那些对于其他人来说并非显而易见的事情。
- Altitude alternative distribution of 17 species of amphibians is not obvious. 17种两栖动物的海拔替代性分布不明显。
- The Ecological Footprint unjust coefficient is 0.24 which shows that the unjust HEF of each group is not obvious. 引入生态足迹掠夺及总生态足迹掠夺;并进一步计算生态足迹不公平系数为0.;24;表明收入不同引起的足迹消费的不公平不突出。
- If the association is not obvious, the student is asked to explain the association. 如果关联不是很明显,就要要求学生解释这个关联。
- Memory decline among the elderly is very gradual and is usually not obvious until after the age of 70. 记忆力减弱的速度在正常老化过程中非常缓慢,一般而言,在70岁后,记忆力才会有较明显的减退。
- Agreed, it's not obvious to use the SUM and IF functions instead of COUNTBLANK, but this topic explains how. 是的,您对如何使用SUM和IF函数来代替COUNTBLANK不太清楚,但本主题将解释如何进行此项操作。
- All we can say is that Oxford dialect had not obvious influence on the form of London English. 所有我们能说的只是牛津方言没有对伦敦英语的形成构成明显的影响。
- Every clones of Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon have not obvious difference in botanical characters. 品丽珠、赤霞珠各营养系的植物学性状营养系之间差异不大,品种之间稍有差异。
- Resulst:SEP s howed obvious delay of latency but the v aries of its amplitude were not obvious. SEP潜伏期变化明显 ,但测量烦琐 ,波幅变化不明显 ;
- In the control group, serum INS and C P concentrations reached the peak at 4 min, the second peak was not obvious. FSIVGTT中 ,对照组INS、C 肽浓度高峰出现于 4min时 ,无明显第二分泌峰 ;
- The inhibition of parathion, phoxim, methomyl, arprocarb, imidacloprid andavermectins to tyrosinase is not obvious. 对硫磷、辛硫磷、灭多威、残杀威、吡虫啉及阿维菌素对家蝇酪氨酸酶有不明显抑制作用。