- I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather. 我很同情在这种天气还得开车的人。
- For me, I felt at home in this sort of discourse. 至于我。我觉得这样说话很自然。
- He has had no experience in this sort of work. 他干这种活没经验。
- We're not in this for medals, Jal. 我们来着并不是为了奖章,贾尔。
- If he was not in imminent danger, they would not to take this sort of action. 如果不是因为他随时会有生命危险,他们是不会采取这种行动的。
- I am not in this stuff for a long time. 我一直不太喜欢这东西。
- If not in this election, Mr Modi's time may come. 如果辛格不能摆脱健康的困扰,再掌权一两年,索尼亚可能不知道能依靠谁。
- I don't think he will be interested in this sort of book. 我想他不会对这一类书感兴趣。
- In this sort of fist fight, by-standers get pummeled, too. 值得一提的是,该基金并没有运用借贷来放大获益;
- I'm certainly not in favor of an outing in this weather. 我当然不赞成在这种天气出游。
- That river is not in sight in this part of the city. 在这一城区看不见那条河。
- You'll find me in the next life, if not in this one. 今生找不到我,来世会找到我的。
- The other team members, not in this photo, are Sato and Takagi. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- The snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one cannot distinguish cause and effect. 这类轶闻中的疑难处当然在于人们无法区别因与果。
- There's no dignity in happiness, not in this worldview anyway. 在幸福中没有庄严,不管怎样与世界观无关。
- Mike: Scuzz, hey Scuzz, wait a minute, you're not in this class. 迈克:斯谷兹,你这是这个班级的。
- There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company. 向这类公司投资大有油水可捞。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one merely a symptom? 这类奇闻的疑难之处是无法区别因果关系。是噪音引起了(精神)病呢,还是(精神)病的症状之一是对噪音的抱怨?
- This pair of scales is not in equilibrium. 这个天平不平衡。