- This is no joking matter.; This is not a laughing matter. 这可不是好玩儿的 !
- Humor is often more than a laughing matter. 幽默常常不只是一笑了之的事。
- It's not a good film, but it's good for a laugh. 这部电影并不好,但能引人发笑。
- Will you stop it? This isn't a laughing matter. 你够了没有?这种事是不能开玩笑的!
- not a laughing matter 不是开玩笑的事
- The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose,“ once again made impotence a laughing matter”. 不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。
- This is not a laughing matter. It is an affair I am resolved to probe thoroughly. 这不是什么说笑话儿的事情。这是一桩我决定要彻底弄清楚的事情。
- The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose, “once again made impotence a laughing matter”. 不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。
- I remember her running every day. This is not a laughing matter. We should learn from her perseverance. 我记得她每天都跑步。这可不是闹着玩的事!我们应该学习她持之以恒的精神。
- It's not a matter to laugh about. 这不是什么好笑的事。
- It is not a matter to laugh about. 这不是什么;好笑的事。
- We feel that life is no laughing matter. 我们觉得人生绝非是开玩笑的事情。
- He was not a man to sit down with affront. 他并不是一个可以忍受当众侮辱的人。
- Don't laugh. There is no laughing matter. 不要笑。没什么好笑的。
- He told me the news with a laugh. 他笑着告诉我这个消息。
- He's not a fast horse but he's certainly a stayer. 这匹马跑得不快,但很有耐力。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。
- The funny book had a laugh on every page. 这本滑稽的书每一页上都有令人发笑的地方。
- That's not a local accent. Where do you hail from? 那不是本地口音,你是什么地方人?
- Mary, do not you want me to be a laughing stork? 玛丽,你愿意要我当个傻瓜蛋吗?