- nosewheel steering mechanism 前轮转向机构
- Operating the steering mechanism of a vehicle; driving. 在驾驶操纵机动车辆的机械装置; 在驾驶
- There was a foul-up in his car's steering mechanism. 他的车子的导向系统出了毛病。
- It also featured a new L 801 steering mechanism by Henschel. 它还装备有新式的亨舍尔L 801机械转向系统。
- A long racing sled with a steering mechanism controlling the front runners. 大雪橇一种长的竞赛用雪橇,有一控制机构控制其前面的滑雪者
- A rotary steering tool scheme was developed,and its steering mechanism was investigated intensively in this paper. 提出了一种旋转导向工具设计方案,并对其实现旋转导向的机理进行了深入研究。
- Philip R. Keegan, “All-Wheel Steering Mechanism for A Cleaning Vehicle,” U.S. Patent Number: 5890558, Apr. 6, 1999. 何荣芳,代步车前轮转向机构,中华民国专利公告编号375033,中华民国88年11月21日。
- Heavy platform truck should select a suitable Ackerman steering mechanism in order to ensure wheels for all axles to be under a pure rolling condition. 大型公路平板车在转向时为了保证各轴车轮处于纯滚动状态,必须选择适当的转向梯形机构。
- Double-front-axle steering mechanism comprises two steering trapeziums (one on each front axle) and a double swing arm, linking both front axles. 摘要双前桥转向机构包含两个独立的转向梯形机构和双前桥间的转向联动机构-双摇臂系统。
- Optimum results showed that the kinematics precision of steering mechanism is assured even if there are clearances in locomotion joints. 设计结果表明,在运动副存在间隙或间隙变化时,此设计方法能有效保证转向机构的运动精度。
- Secondly, steering angle error and steering time are measured when the bottom angle and steering arm length of steering mechanism are varied. 其次,分析了机构底角和转向臂长度两个变量对汽车转向轮转角误差及转向时间的影响。
- On this foundation,the optimization model of the splitting point of Mc Pherson strut and steering mechanism was established. 在此基础上建立了麦弗逊悬架转向梯形断开点位置优化模型。
- The rider used both hands to keep the steering mechanism steady as the SDV slowed, drifted lower, and eventually speared over the icy bottom with a smooth thud. 他用努力保持着运输艇的稳定,最终运输艇成功地进入了冰封的海床。
- In this paper the structure of combinable multi-axle trailer s steering system was analyzed and a optimum design model for this kind of steering mechanism s design was proposed. 对组合式多轴挂车的转向机构进行分析后,建立了挂车转向系统机构的优化设计模型。
- It is found from calculation that the steering mechanism can suppling good longitudinal positioning for whee I set, so the hunting stability on straight track is enhanced. 通过计算发现,导向机构能起到轮对纵向定位的作用,可提高直线上的蛇行稳定性,因此,能够很好地解决曲线通过和蛇行稳定性之间的矛盾。
- Based on steering kinematics theory, parameters analysis and optimal design are made on four-bar steering mechanism of a mining truck applying ADAMS software. 摘要利用动力学分析软件ADAMS,以汽车转向运动学为基础,对某矿用汽车转向四连杆机构进行了参数分析及优化设计。
- The motion equation of Mc Pherson strut and steering mechanism for wheeled vehicles was established by using the R-W(Roberson R E and Wittenburg J) method known in dynamics of multibody systems. 运用多刚体系统动力学中R-W方法,建立了轮式车辆麦弗逊悬架和转向系统运动方程,导出了系统关联矩阵、通路矩阵、体铰矢量矩阵以及系统约束方程。
- Lastly, the performance on steering mechanics of different number of hydraulic cylinder is compared by the simulation analysis. 最后,通过仿真分析,比较了不同数量液压油缸设计方案对转向性能的影响。
- It is indicated through the analysis of assistant steering mechanism of the farm transporter model FR1608 that within th e rang e of standard swinging of the pitman arm, the design rod structure satisfies the requirement of optimum pressure angle. 对FR1608运输车转向助力机构的分析结果表明,在转向器转向垂臂的标准摆动范围内,设计参数满足最佳压力角要求。
- This paper uses the new design method to design newly the developing of certain steering mechanisms of double-front truck. 利用新的设计方法,对开发的某型双前桥载货汽车的转向机构进行了全新的设计。