- Do you want to run an induction chamber and to a mask or just a nose cone? 您希望使用吸气室,面罩还是仅仅需要一个鼻吸呢?
- The rocket climbs upward and onward, with an artificial satellite cradled in its nose cone. 随带装在其前端锥形体内的一颗人造卫星,火箭一直向上,向前爬升。
- One showed what may have been a small chip from an insulating tile falling off the underside of the shuttle's nose cone, Shannon said. 沙农透露,其中的一部摄像机拍摄到一小块隔热瓦从航天飞机头锥外部脱落。
- Unifix the skid appliance on the chassis by foot, gyrate to the post horizontally, and fix the outlet the cone adapter with the inlet of the next processing equioment. 3、特制的碟阀,无死角,无残留,带防误操作装置,拆卸方便,易于清洗,使用特制的车轮,保护洁区自流坪地面不留痕迹,不被损坏。
- The fuses were manufactured for use on a Minuteman strategic nuclear missile and are linked to the triggering mechanism in the nose cone, but they contain no nuclear materials. 我在这里想再一次重申,凡属涉及中国主权和领土完整的事,必须由包括台湾同胞在内的全体中国人民决定,任何人想把台湾从祖国分裂出去都是不会得逞的,也是注定会失败的。
- The Safety Car was deployed and Juan Pablo made a pit stop on the second lap; the team changed the damaged nose cone (26.4 sec). He resumed the race 19th. 蒙托亚也只能在第二圈时入站,更换损坏的车头,耗时26.;4秒,待他重回赛道时,名次降至第19位。
- He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives. 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。
- The United States Department of Defense is in August, 2006, transports four nuclear bomb nose cone module by mistake to Taiwan, the content detonates nuclear warhead's electric fuze. 美国国防部是在二零零六年八月,误运四个核弹头锥组件至台湾,内含引爆核弹头的电子引信。
- the ablative nose cone of a rocket 可磨削的火箭头部
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。
- I wrinkled up my nose at the nasty smell. 我闻到那股难闻的味,皱起了鼻子。
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- That reporter has a nose for news. 那位新闻记者对新闻特别敏感。
- Any nose may ravage with impunity a Rose. 任何一个鼻子都可以夺走蔷薇的芳香而不受惩罚。
- She turned her nose up at my small donation. 她嫌我捐赠微薄而嗤之以鼻。
- Discussion on Automatic Search Technology of Mark Feature of Nose Cone 对枪弹弹头痕迹特征自动检索技术的探讨
- I hauled off and hit the other boy in the nose. 我出手打了另一个男孩的鼻子。
- The boy gobbled up an ice-cream cone. 那个男孩大口大口地吃完了一个蛋卷冰淇淋。