- northern shadow play 北方影戏
- Any ideas about Shadow play? Sounds interesting, isn't it! 皮影戏是什么?听起来很有趣哦!
- After production, the shadow play and singcun tong . 制作完后,便与村童唱影玩乐。
- Let's join the Shadow play holiday camp, and you will know more about it! 来参加皮影戏假期营吧,你就知道了!
- the northern sichuan shadow play 川北皮影
- Shadow play combined with formative arts and stage performance has a long history in Weinan area. 摘要集造型艺术与舞台表演为一体的皮影戏在渭南地区有着悠久的历史传统。
- This article thinks that the content and form of Chinese shadow play embod y vivid color of histo-ry,religion and culture. 影戏演出使用的影偶、景片表演形式和影卷演出剧目及演出场合浸淫着历史与宗教文化的浓郁色彩。
- For example, 30 years ago puppetry, shadow play can be seen everywhere, and now look on such a performance, I am afraid, very difficult. 例如三十几年前的木偶、皮影随处可见,而现在要看上一场这样的演出,恐怕相当困难。
- Chinese shadow play is a form of Chinese folk art. The digital animation gives it modern flavor, and brings new life to the traditional shadow play. 皮影戏是中国一种民间艺术形式,数字化的皮影动画给它赋予现代的流行元素,也赋予了传统皮影戏新的生命及活力。
- Taking shadow play of Indonesia and the experience of Madam H as examples, the writing expounds that story language can create a magic interspace for the diseased. 摘要以印度尼西亚的皮影戏和H太太疗病经历为例,说明故事语言可以为患病者创造一种神圣的治疗空间;
- Many wellknown cultural celebrities ranging from Goethe in the 18th century to the later Chaplin in the western world, all have spoken highly of Chinese shadow play art. 西方世界从十八世纪的歌德到后来的卓别林等世界文化名人,对中国皮影戏艺术都曾给予过高度的评价。
- The performance group of the town will come to our village to perform Wan Wan Qiang (a local opera in Shanxi province, whose precursor is the shadow play) at night. 晚上镇里的表演队要来村里表演碗碗腔。
- The MV will be the traditional Chinese landscape painting, shadow play, Chinese calligraphy, such as organic Guocui all together, but it is worth mentioning that this MV... 这部MV将中国传统山水画、皮影戏、中国书法等国粹全部有机的整合在一起,更值得一提的是这部MV不是画出来的,而是制作出来的。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- A shadow play performed by casting the shadows of miniature figures on a screen or wall. 影子戏在屏幕或墙上投射小人影子的一种影子戏娱乐
- In these shadow plays, the figures are made of cardboard with translucent paper for the eyes and mouth. 这些皮影戏里,人物的身子是用长纸板做的,眼睛和嘴是透明纸做的。
- In these shadow plays,the figures are made of cardboard with translucent paper for the eyes and mouth. 这些皮影戏里,人物的身子是用长纸板做的,眼睛和嘴是透明纸做的。
- Shadow plays are performed by images formed by light on a large piece of canvas. 用灯影表演戏剧是皮影戏的雏形。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- He heads up the operation in northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。