- north area of Yangtze River 江北地区
- This paper mainly discusses the exploitation of the coppite in the middle reaches area of Yangtze River in Shang dynasty. 该文主要讨论商代长江中游地区铜矿的开发问题。
- The area of Yangtze River mouth is one of the most developed ones in China, but the high-speed social and economic development is somehow reined by the Salty-tide invasion. 长江口地区是当前我国社会经济发展最快的区域之一,但社会经济的高速发展却受到了咸潮入侵的制约。
- There are vast non-consolidated alluvia deposits freshly formed in estuary area of Yangtze River and nearby coastal area.The deposits contribute to land subsidence. 摘要长江河口滨海地区广泛分布有大量的冲填土,由于其形成时间短,具有欠固结特性,因此对地面沉降影响较大。
- There are many studies related to the area of Yangtze River basin, but little research which is focused on the NPS pollution caused by land use/cover change. 虽然针对长江流域的研究很多,但土地利用/覆盖变化对长江流域水质的非点源污染却一直没有引起人们的足够重视。
- The surface water resources in the area of Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lantsang is composed of rivers, lakes and glacier resources. 摘要河流、湖泊和冰川是江河源区水文生态系统的主要构成要素,研究该区水文生态系统构成要素的特征,对系统研究江河源区生态环境质量演变意义重大。
- the upstream area of Yangtze River 长江上游地区
- The areas of eutrophication are almost distributed in the side of salinity bellowed 20 and have seasonal variations along with the changes of Yangtze River diluted water. 富营养化范围几乎均分布在盐度小于20的一侧,并随着长江冲淡水的变化而发生季节性的变化。
- Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Yangtze River 长江三峡
- I live at the resource of Yangtze river. 我住长江头
- Power Division of Yangtze River Bench Co. 长江机床公司设备动力处。
- the Middle and Downstream Area of Yangtze River 长江中下游地区
- The billowing east of Yangtze River dies the water. 滚滚长江东逝水。
- You'd better go to enjoy the scenery of Yangtze River. 你最好欣赏一下长江的景色。
- The area of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River 长江中下游
- The real integration of Yangtze River Delta is not founded. 因此,长江三角洲并未实现真正的市场一体化。
- ancient water towns in the southern area of Yangtze River 江南水乡古镇
- It's the first corporation which export fishmeal in north area of shandong. 是鲁北地区第一家渔粉出口企业,产品远销日本、韩国、俄罗斯、瑞士等国家。
- The north area of Weihe River is located in the joint of the Qilian-North Qinling orogenic belt. 摘要天水渭北地区地处祁连与北秦岭造山带结合部位。
- Up- and Mid- stream Areas of Yangtze River 长江中上游