- They hold together for collective security. 他们为了共同安全而团结在一起。
- norms for collective security 集体安全准则
- Committee for Collective Security 集体安全委员会
- It has become the norm for wives to work. 妻子参加工作已经成为一种准则。
- This is a significant step forward for our collective security. 这是走向集体安全的重要一步。
- It was a norm for any major company. 这在各大公司都是司空见惯的。
- We finally developed norms for the scale. 本研究最后并根据928位有效样本创建常模。
- First, marriage was the norm for a woman's career. 男女之防旣不严格,六朝妇女便享有相当自由参加社交活动。
- It is the norm for Bob to be late. 迟到对鲍勃来说是家常便饭。
- How long has Jim gone in for collecting stamps? 吉姆爱好集邮有多长时间?
- It set the norm for American homes. 它为美国家庭设定了平均值数。
- The boys had a craze for collecting stamps. 那些男孩子们热衷于集邮。
- We should take them as norms for international relations. 我们应当用和平共处五项原则作为指导国际关系的准则。
- Theory of collective security is a postwar concept of security. 集体安全理论是战后出现的一种安全构思。
- But there are no accepted norms for voluntary offsets. 许多补偿公司开发甚至管理自身的监管系统。
- There are norms for each country; sometimes they are very strict. 每个国家都有自己的规范,有时这些规范是很严格的。
- Need HK norms for the three years for proper interpretation. 正确的解释需要三年的香港常模作为参考资料。
- We gave them some questionnaires for collecting data. 为了收集数据我们发给他们一些调查表。
- He bought a copy of New Behavioral Norms for Primary Students. 他购买了一本《新著小学生行为规范》。
- The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax. 税务局负责征收所得税。