- normal phase method 正相法
- A method for quantitative analysis of beta-cyfluthrin using normal phase HPLC was studied. 研究了正相高效液相色谱法定量分析高效氟氯氰菊酯的方法。
- Not only the trace inorganic ion can be analysed by the solid phase method,but also the artif... 并可将固相分光光度法的应用由仅能分析痕量的无机离子,推广到测定合成色素。
- Polar filler are used in normal phase chromatographic system, among which, silicon gel is the most commonly used. 正相色谱系统使用极性填充剂,常用的填充剂有硅胶等。
- Catalyst prepared by the water phase method have much lower surface area and the crystallinity increases with increasing temperature of calcination. 水相法制备获较复杂的晶相,随着焙烧温度的提高,样品的比表面积减小,晶相强度增加;
- The Time Domain Wave Form and Frequency Spectrum of Modulated Signal of Tria(tt/Pw) Multiply by Carrier with Normal Phase Noise. 三角波电压讯号乘上含有准常态相位杂讯载波之调变讯号时域波形及频谱。
- AimIn order to avoid agglomeration and get dispersible nanometer magnesia particles in the process of preparation with liquid phase method. 目的为了防止液相法制备纳米氧化镁过程中团聚体的产生,提出制取单分散的纳米氧化镁粒子的方法。
- Expereice has shown that the new technique can improve the precision and the stability of phase demodulation with the projected grating phase method. 实例证明该技术改善了解相的精度和稳定性,提高了投影栅相位法的应用水平。
- The enantiomeric separation of chiral antifungal drugs miconazole and imazalil on chiral column CTMB (cellulose tris (4-methyl benzoate)) in normal phase mode was described. 摘要在正相体系下,在自制的纤维素三(4-甲基苯甲酸酯)(CTMB)手性固定相上进行咪康唑和抑霉唑对映异构体分离。
- Four bromocarbazoles were synthesized through direct bromination method.They were separated by normal phase HPLC.The purity of the product was determined. 用直接溴化法合成了4种不同取代的溴代咔唑。首次用正相高效液相色谱对它们的纯度进行了检验,并分离了这一系列化合物。
- On the basis of the definition of MEIS, the MEIS algorithms are categorized into four categories, namely the image block method, pixel method, feature method and phase method. 在对图像序列运动估计定义的基础上,首先将图像序列运动估计算法分为图像块法、像素法、特征法和相位法等四类,对各类方法中主要算法的基本原理进行了详尽的阐述,并比较了各算法的优缺点;
- The optic-acoustic reaction relationship is analyzed to noncollinear acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) under normal phase matching condition in this paper. 研究非共线性声光可调谐滤波器 (AOTF) 在一般相位匹配条件下的声光相互作用关系。
- Based on the diffraction theory and stationary phase method, the diffraction patterns produced behind an axicon illuminated by spherical wave are derived. 用衍射理论及稳相法推导了锥形透镜后产生的衍射模式。
- The production technology of basic lead carbonate pearlescent pigment by pushing process, glycol methoxymethane method and inversing phase method were introduced. 介绍了碱式碳酸铅珠光颜料乙二醇甲醚法挤水转相生产工艺,对影响因素进行了研究。
- Liquid phase precipitation method,sol-gel method,alkoxide hydrolysis method,gaseous phase method,solid phase method were discussed and analyzed in detail. 液相沉淀法由于原料廉价易得、工艺简单、产品性能稳定、环境污染少等特点使其成为最具有工业应用价值的纳米氧化镁制备技术。
- Two fundament methods for time delay estimation are the correlation method and the phase method. 时延估计的基本方法是互相关法和相位谱法。
- Mixins may not have a template. They integrate with the component strictly in terms of invoking render phase methods. 混合组件可以没有模板。他们根据调用地呈现阶段方法和组件结合。
- Furthermore, the experiment on visual-audio simultaneous stimulus was designed to acquire real data, and averaged ERP (event-related potential) data were utilized to get the synchronization index by means of Hilbert transform phase method. 进一步设计视听觉脑功能区域同时认知的脑电实验,应用希尔伯特方法对真实脑电数据的事件相关电位(ERP)进行同步性量化。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- Nanosized cobalt-based oxide (Co 3O 4, CoB 1.36 O 2.8 and CoB 0.5 Al 0.1 O 1.5 ) samples were prepared by rheological phase method and were tested as anodes in secondary lithium batteries. 采用流变相法合成Co3 O4 ;CoB1.;3 6 O2