- Microwaves help nuke their early breakfasts, noon lunches, and five-o'clock dinners. 北美人就算是吃饭也很有效率,微波炉一早就把他们的早餐、午餐和五点的晚餐加热好了。
- At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine. 中午我和我的一个朋友一起吃的饭。
- She always eats her lunch at noon. 她总是在正午吃午饭。
- Take a frugal lunch box at noon. 中午吃最廉价的便当。
- At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. 中午阳光下野餐。
- I'll meet you in the lunch room at noon. 我们中午餐厅见了!
- I took Mary to lunch she insisted on going Dutch. 我带玛丽出去吃午饭,但她坚持要平摊费用。
- What time do you finish eating lunch at noon? 你中午什么时候吃完午饭?
- The school was disbanded at noon. 学校在中午被解散了。
- I have lunch in the office at noon. 我中午在办公室吃午饭
- I'm positive she told us to meet at noon. 我肯定她是告诉我们在中午见面。
- Try out new lunch boxes at noon. 中午找一些新的不同的饭盒试试。
- I don't normally drink at lunch. 我午餐时通常不喝酒。
- It's my habit to take a nap at noon. 我有个睡午觉的习惯。
- I suppose we'll have lunch at the Ming Tombs. 我想我们将在十三陵吃午饭。
- The visitor left a little before noon. 来访者在中午前一会儿离开了。
- I'll put this lunch on my expense account. 我要把这顿午餐记在我的开支帐户上。
- We always have a fry-up for Saturday lunch. 我们星期六的午饭总有一道油煎菜。
- I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch. 我习惯在午饭后散散步。
- That clock must be lying; it isn't noon yet. 那钟一定不可靠;现在还不到中午。