- nonthermal bremsstrahlung 非热轫致辐射
- Many types of nonthermal escape involve ions. 很多非热逸过程都离不开离子的参与。
- Explain why the bremsstrahlung radiation is a continuous spectrum? 我知道它是连续的能谱,可是我从来没想过是为什麽?
- Bremsstrahlung produced at an internal target of the accelerator will have a maximum photon energy equal to Ea. 在加速器的内靶上产生的轫致辐射的最大光子能量将等于Ea。
- The ratio of the microwave radiation to the X-ray bremsstrahlung radiation is dependent on the density in the emitting region. 微波辐射与X射线韧致辐射的比值与发射区的密度有关。
- Compared with the conventional sterilization,nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma has many advantages. 相对于传统的灭菌方法来讲,利用常压低温等离子体灭菌有许多优点。
- Foods processed with nonthermal techniques are very safe and of excellent nutritional and sensory characteristics. 此外,科学家不需要设置任何不安全的试验环境,通过模拟就可以进行安全性研究或故障分析。
- In nonthermal escape, chemical reactions or particle-particle collisions catapult atoms to escape velocity. 在非热逸过程中,由于化学反应或粒子与粒子之间的碰撞,原子因受到弹射而达到逃逸速度。
- The nonlinear inverse bremsstrahlung absorption is a main mechanism in the plasma heating at laser-plasma interaction. 当激光强度较高时,非线性逆轫致吸收是对等离子体的加热起重要作用的机制。
- Bremsstrahlung and compound radiation of electron were considered as main mechanism of continuum radiation. 激光诱导等离子体的连续辐射的主要机制是轫致辐射和复合辐射。
- Ultrasound sterilization is a potential nonthermal sterilization technique in food industry. 目的旨在推动非热杀菌技术在中药制剂工业中的应用。
- These results suggest the possible existance of nonthermal in addition to thermal effects. 这些意味着微波除了致热作用外还有非热作用存在的可能性。
- It is shown that the spectrum on the border of object is in analogy to the bremsstrahlung spectrum of the target. 结果表明:记录区边缘的谱形与源光子谱形很相似;
- On some planets, including modern Earth, thermal escape is less important than nonthermal escape. 在包括现代地球在内的某些行星表面上,热逸过程还不够非热逸过程明显。
- In nonthermal processes, chemical or charged-particle reactions hurl out atoms and molecules. 在非热散逸的过程,则是因为化学反应或带电粒子的作用而把原子和分子驱赶出去。
- Abstract: Objective: Tostudy the effect on killingstaphy with high power microwave and discuss the nonthermal effect. 摘要:目的: 应用研究高功率微波对金黄葡萄球菌25932的杀灭效果及其可能存在的非热效应。
- The paper theoretically analyzes the Bremsstrahlung influence to the experimental value, offering a way of deducting the Bremsstrahlung influence to the experimental value. 从理论上分析了轫致辐射对实验值的影响,并给出了扣除轫致辐射对实验值影响的方法。
- A third nonthermal process known as photochemical escape operates on Mars and possibly on Titan. 第三种形式的非热逸过程叫做光化学逃逸,只见于火星,但土卫六也可能存在这种现象。
- The nonlinear inve rse bremsstrahlung absorption coefficient is derived by quantum mechanic method, and the result is discussed. 本文通过量子力学方法得出了非线性逆轫致吸收系数的公式,并对非线性逆轫致吸收系数进行了讨论。
- Nonthermal effect is the main one produced by microwave acting on organism and the mechanism between microwave and organism is properly explained. 提出了非热效应是微波作用于生物的主要效应,并对微波与生物体的作用机制给予了解释。