- nonprogressive brain disorder 非进行性大脑功能障碍
- It said doctors should look for science (signs) of brain disorder when they examine babies at 18 months and 24 months. 其指出医生应该在他们给18个月和24个月的婴儿检查时,应该查找大脑紊乱的症状。
- We plan to examine whether our approach could be used to reevaluate previous research into this brain disorder. 我们计画将检验看我们的方法,是否可用于重新评估以往针对这种脑部疾病的研究工作。
- Schizophrenia is explained on the National Institute of Mental Health Web site as a brain disorder that is severe and disabling. 在国家精神健康协会的网站上精神分裂症被解释为脑部严重无秩序。
- Schizophrenia in is explained on The the National Institute of Mental Healty website Health Web site as a brain disorder that is severe and disabling. 精神分裂症在美国心理健康研究院网站上被解释为一种严重的、残疾的大脑混乱。
- It said doctors should look for signs of the brain disorder when they examine babies at eighteen months and twenty-four months. 它说当医生们对个月的婴儿体检时应该观察大脑是否有紊乱的迹象。
- A children's violence could be the result of a brain disorder,or hyperactivity,which causes him to be more aggressive than normal children. . 孩子的暴力行为可能是头脑混乱或极度活跃所致,这使他较正常的孩子更具好斗性。
- Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease,an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements. 之后她开始表现出亨廷顿舞蹈病的症状。这种病是一种遗传性大脑紊乱,会使病人产生可怕的幻觉和无法控制自己的行为。
- Since1906, whenGerman physician Alois Alzheimer described the degenerative brain disorder bearing his name, doctors have argued about what exactly causes the disease. 自德国医生阿洛斯·阿耳茨海默1906年描述那后来以他的名字命名的早老性痴呆症以来,医生们一直未能就该病的起因达成一致意见。
- Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease, an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements. 之 后 她 开 始 表 现 出 亨 廷 顿 舞 蹈 病 的 症 状,这 种 病 是 一 种 遗 传 性 大 脑 紊 乱 , 会 使 病 人 产 生 可 怕 的 幻 觉 和 无 法 控 制 自 己 的 行 为 。
- A sudden twitching of muscles or parts of muscles, without any rhythm or pattern, occurring in various brain disorders. 肌阵挛肌肉和部分肌肉的急速抽动,它没有任何节律或方式,存在于各种脑失调症
- Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person?s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. 孤独症是一种复杂的大脑功能障碍,与人交往能力和社交能力受限,常伴有极端行为反应。
- Schizophrenia is a splained explained on the National Institute of Mental Health wite Web site as a brain disorder that is surfere severe and disaplingdisabling. 精神分裂症被国家精神卫生学会网站解释为一种严重的禁止的大脑失调。
- Early research suggests creatine supplements might be able to help slow the progression of Parkinson's, an incurable brain disorder that can slowly but steadily paralyze patients. 早期研究显示肌酸能减缓帕金森病的进展,帕金森病是一种缓慢的平稳的损伤患者的不可治愈的脑部疾病。
- Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country. 但伯格不是俄国人,德国人或是瑞典人,事实上,她从来没有离开过她的家乡--华盛顿的天使镇。
- In Australia, scientists want to lace beer with thiamine (vitamin B1) to reduce the instance of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a potentially fatal brain disorder found in heavy drinkers. 在澳大利亚,科学家想要在啤酒中添加维生素B,以减少韦尼克-科尔萨科夫综合症病例-在过度饮酒者中发现的一种潜在的致命脑功能障碍。
- Sometimes after brain damage, tumours, stroke or brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, people get "stonefaced" syndrome and can't laugh. 有时候继脑损伤、肿瘤、中风或帕金森氏综合症等脑部疾病以后,人们出现了面部木讷的综合症状,他们无法发笑。
- Autism is a general term for a group of brain disorders that limit the development of social and communication skills. 孤独症是一系列大脑紊乱病症的统称,这些病症限制解决问题能力和交流技巧的发展。
- The meeting finished in disorder. 会议结束时一片混乱。
- Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. 入侵者受到重创,狼狈溃退。