- I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance. 他突然出现使我大吃一惊。
- I was nonplussed by what he asked me. 我对他的问题不知怎么回答是好。
- She was hurt, angry, nonplussed. 她感到伤心、气愤和狼狈。
- I was completely nonplussed by his reply. 他的回答令我无所适从。
- Although his wife was offended, he was nonplussed. 他妻子对此大为光火,而他只是有点不知所措。
- "I was nonplussed when I saw No. 3," he says. 这种风格在我之前就已经过气。
- We were nonplused to see two roads leading off to the right. 看到有两条往右走的路,我们不知如何是好。
- The speaker was completely nonplussed by the question. 演讲者被这个问题完全难倒了。
- Cowperwood was disturbed, nonplussed at this unexpected sight. 柯帕乌一看见这种意外的情景,就感到心烦意乱,不知所措。
- Nixon, though no doubt nonplussed, continued to keep his thoughts to himself. 尼克松对此事无疑感到进退维谷,然而他依然噤若寒蝉。
- He was nonplused by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country. 他被这个国家奇怪的风俗搞得十分困惑。
- This again nonplussed the youngster, who took his defeat to his teacher. 第一个小和尚又无言以对了,他带着挫败去见师父。
- Ed seemed nonplussed till Andy explained: "This means I'm staying the course. 李爱德开始似乎摸不着头脑,直到马普安开始解释:“这就意味着我可以撑下去。”
- A rather nonplussed Lehmann has been deputised to assist with the draw. 莱曼要参加抽签活动,颁奖原来是为了这个。
- She was nonplussed at the possibility of the errand being different from what she had thought. 她想到这趟出门与她先前想的可能不一样,一时间不知所措。
- He was afraid of being treated as a provincial if he showed himself too much nonplussed. 他怕露出过于惊惶失措的样子,会叫人家把他看成乡巴佬。
- Nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness. 帕格一时不知所措,而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热。
- He was greatly nonplussed and uncertain for the moment as to what his next step would be. 他当时非常狼狈、惶惑,不知道第二步怎么办。
- The foreigner was nonplussed by the soldier's story, but filed it away in his mind for future reference. 这位外国人听了俄国兵的叙述,也不明白此中的奥妙,便记在心里,以便将来弄清。
- Jennie, who had been counting on getting away without being seen, was now thoroughly nonplussed. 珍妮本打算瞒着他走,现在觉得真正进退维谷了。