- nongovernmental sea power 民间海上力量
- L ivezey1 Mahan on Sea Power[M ]. Oklahoma Press, 19801205. 王生荣.;海洋大国与海权争夺[M]
- The Dutch and English had made so much progress in developing their sea power. 荷兰人和英国人在发展海上势力方面已经取得如此大的进步。
- One thing this experience shows is the value of sea power and air power. 有一点是为这件事所证明了的,即海军和空军力量的重要性。
- "No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power" (Samuel Eliot Morison). “没有哪次重大现代战争不是由占优势的海军力量取胜的”(萨缪尔·艾略特·莫里森)。
- On that route are the ports,and on that route we can use our sea power to the best advantage. 那条线路上有一系列港口。在那条线路上我们可以最有效地利用海上力量。
- Turkish sea power was destroyed in 1571 by a league of Christian nations organized by the Pope. 罗马教皇组织的一个基督教徒国家的联盟,在1571年破坏了土耳其海军。
- Essentially, the United States was a great sea power, he said, linking the two world oceans. 他说,美国实质上是一个连接两个世界大洋的海上强国。
- Venice reigned as the major sea power of the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages. 中世纪时,威尼斯以地中海的主要海上力量而称雄。
- No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power(Samuel Eliot Morison. 没有哪次重大现代战争不是由占优势的海军力量取胜的(萨缪尔 艾略特 莫里森)。
- Establish the position of England as a major sea power and pave the way for its foreign expansion. 中立的对外政策针对预防英格兰卷入主要的欧洲战争。
- On that route are the ports, and on that route we can use our sea power to the best advantage. 那条线路上有一系列港口。在那条线路上我们可以最有效地利用海上力量。
- Essentially, the United States was great sea power, he said, linking the two world oceans. 他说,美国实质上是一个连接两个世界大洋的海上强国。
- This paper is a brief introduction to the Mahan's theory of sea power and Russian practices of sea power. 本文概要介绍了马汉的海权理论及俄罗斯的海权思想与实践。
- T.Mahan's sea power theory to prove Koxinga's sea power idea with Dutch certainly not very big difference. T.;马汉的海权理论来证明郑成功的海权观念,与当时的荷兰人并没有很大的差异。
- Honda's land and sea power toys include ATVs, motorcycles, scooters, personal watercraft, and outboard motors. 本田车队的陆地和海上力量的玩具包括ATVs,摩托车,踏板车,个人船只,和舷外马达.
- CVN 21 will be the centerpiece of tomorrow’s Carrier Strike Groups and a contribution to every capability pillar envisioned in Sea Power 21. CVN-21航母将会是未来美海军打击群的核心组成部分,将会是美海军在21世纪争夺海上霸权的“顶梁柱”。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Mahan,Alfred Thayer(1840 1914),an excellent American naval historian and theorist,is well known for his Sea Power theory masterpieces which are regarded as "the Bible of Navy". 马汉是美国杰出的海军史学家和海军理论家 ,其海权理论著作被誉为“海军的《圣经》”。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。