- The Berry phase, AB effect and AC effect on the noncommutative phase space, which means the coordinate and momentum both are noncommutative, is studied. 接着研究了非对易空间中的量子力学相,给出了非对易效应对相位的修正。
- Energy Splitting of Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator in Noncommutative Phase Space 非对易相空间中各向同性谐振子的能级分裂
- Energy splitting of the charged isotropic harmonic oscillator in noncommutative phase space 非对易相空间中带电谐振子的能级分裂
- noncommutative phase space 非对易相空间
- Calculation of some nonlinear index of EEG based on phase space reconstruction is important for study of brain. 摘要在脑电序列相空间重构的基础上计算非线性测度是研究大脑功能和状态的重要方法。
- A regression model of phase space for predicting smoothed value of M(3000) FZ factor is presented in the paper. 本文给出了传播因子M(3000)F2流动均值的新预报方法-相空间回归模型。
- In hyper dimensional phase space, similar sequence repeatability (RPT) of speech are calculated. 研究语音的相似序列重复度及其熵信息,分析比较了语音信号在相空间中的非线性特徵。
- The method involves principal components analysis, phase space reconstruction and least squares estimate. 方法包括3部分:主分量分析,相空间重构,最小二乘拟合。
- This new method with chaos phase space reconstruction was proved to be efficient and available to forecast abso... 证明了这种基于混沌相空间重构技术的新方法处理已有的瓦斯等级鉴定结果,预测来年的绝对和相对瓦斯涌出量是可行、可靠的。
- Because of their anomalistic locus,it is difficult for the phase space reconstruction. 其相空间轨迹变得极不规则,更难于相空间重构;
- By delay method, the phase space of the system is reconstructed from the time series of the experimental data. 摘要用延迟方法、由实验得到的时间序列重构系统的相空间,绘制了人体心搏吸引子。
- Let us consider, for example the initial phase space for higher orders of multiple scattering. 比如,让我们考虑更高级序的多重散射的初始相空间。
- The data for experimentation was got from Internet,and the model was established with the reconstructed phase space and Kalman. 实验数据通过网络获取,模型采用的是相空间重构与卡尔曼滤波计算的方法来对超短期汇率数据进行建模和预测,并与BP神经网络模型进行了比较。
- By using the Euclidian distances of the phase point in phase space, both the phase density and the phase variance are calculated. 利用状态空间点间的欧氏距离来计算脑电状态空间的态密度和态方差.
- Based on this, a shortterm forecasting chaos neural network (NN) model of WWTP influent was built by phase space reconstruction. 在此基础上,通过相空间重构的方法建立了用于城市污水水量短时预测的混沌神经网络模型;
- In this thesis we investigate the chaotic dynamics in the curved space-time in the phase space (?) and using the Poincare section method. 本文将广义相对论与非线性动力学理论结合起来,同时主要运用相空间技术和彭加莱截面方法研究了弯曲时空中的混沌动力学问题。
- A fault diagnosis method based on singular spectrum analysis is described based on the reconstructed attractor in reconstructed phase space. 在重构相空间重构吸引子的基础上,提出一种基于奇异谱分析的设备故障诊断方法。
- Modeling this region of the metastable phase space right after radiation has been applied promises to be a new and exciting area of research. 在使用放射线后建造亚稳相区域的模型有望成为一个令人激动的新研究领域。”
- Nonlinear adaptive prediction of chaotic signals, which is a new concept that is clearlydifferent from the chaotic prediction theory based on phase space, is proposed. (3)首次研究了超混沌、时空混沌信号的非线性自适应预测问题,它们的非线性自适应预测性能主要取决于预测器的非线性表达能力和自适应算法的选择,与其它因素无关;
- The quantum phase-space representation established by Torres-Vega and Frederick is discussed. It is described that the wave-functions are not unique in phase space. 探讨了Torres-Vega和Frederick量子相空间表象的特征,并揭示了相空间中波函数的不唯一性。