- nonartesian aquifer 非自流含水层
- Derive the governing flow equation for an aquifer. 推导地下含水层的流体方程式.
- Calculate aquifer properties based on well tests. 利用水井试验数据计算含水层的导水性质.
- Recharge areas are necessary for a healthy aquifer. 补给区对于一个正常的含水层来说是必需的。
- Sometime the term artesian is used to denote a confined aquifer. 有时候人们也用自流含水层这一术语表示承压含水层。
- A confined aquifer is also known as a pressure aquifer. 承压含水层又叫压力含水层。
- Such material can confine water in an artesian aquifer. 这样的介质能把水控制在承压含水层中。
- One of the two main types of aquifer is the unconfined aquifer. 非承压含水层是两种主要含水层之一。
- The aquifer is unconfined locally and may be recharged. 含水层因为局部不承压而得到补给。
- But Eogene aquifer cannot be taken as the main objective formation. 下第三系含水层不能作为供水的主要目的层,但能提供高温热水,可作为供热热源。
- Calculate aquifer properties based on pumping tests. 利用抽水试验数据计算含水层的导水性质.
- Design a pumping/well test to estimate aquifer properties. 设计抽水或水井试验来推测含水层性质.
- Oakland fears that rising seas will salinate its underground aquifer. 奥克兰则担忧,上升的海平面会导致地下蓄水层盐化。
- It describes unsteady flow toward a discharging well in an extensive aquifer. 它描述位于广阔含水层中的抽水井的非稳定流。
- Neogene aquifer also is the main objective formation and reserve water source. 上第三系含水层也能作为供水的主要目的层,为后备水源,且能提供优质矿泉水和低温热水;
- An aquifer is a water-bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk. 地下蓄水层是一些有水的岩石层, 如沙岩和白垩岩。
- Fracture accidents of vertical shaft lining in aquifer are introduced. 研究了表土段立井井壁的破裂情况;
- More efforts will be make to prevent and control the pollution in the aquifer of the groundwater supply zone in the western and northern suburban. 加强市区西郊和北郊山前地下水源侧向补给区源头的水污染防治。
- An unconfined aquifer has a water table at its top and water in direct contact with the soil atmosphere. 非承压含水层在它的上面有一个潜水面且水与土壤大气直接相连。
- This slowly raises the temperature of the water in the aquifer, making it less effective as a source of refrigeration. 这样就缓慢地提高了含水层中水的温度,使它降低作为冷却水源的作用。