- nonalkali glass fibre 无碱玻璃纤维
- Changshu Jiangnan glass fibre Co., Ltd. 常熟江南玻璃纤维有限公司。
- Unfinished glass fibres become surrounded by water. 未处理的玻璃纤维被水包围。
- Made of glass fibre, the capsule will float on the sea and will not be dragged down by the sinking ship. 救生艇是玻璃钢板制成的,它将漂浮在海上,不会被沉船拖下去。
- Golf club manufacturers began using aluminium and glass fibre with limited success. 球杆制造商开始尝试使用铝和玻璃材质制作高尔夫球杆,但仅有极少数成功。
- An injection moulded snap-type cage of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6, ball centred, designation suffix TN9. 注模卡式玻璃纤维增强尼龙66保持架,滚动体引导,型号后缀TN9。
- Housings of series FYK 5 and FYTBK 5 are injection moulded from a glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6 material. FYK 5和FYTBK 5系列轴承座是用玻璃纤维加强聚酰胺材料通过注塑工艺制成。
- The shell or backing is made of wound high-strength tensioned glass fibre also in an epoxy resin matrix. 壳体或背衬采用也采用经缠绕张紧的高强度环氧树脂基玻璃纤维制成。
- The balls are retained in an injection moulded snap-type cage of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6 (fig 6). 球被保持在注射成型的玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺6,6卡式保持架里(图6)。
- Effect of the glass fibre on the mlcrostructure and property of.the resin emery grinding wheel is studied. 本文研究了玻璃纤维对薄片树脂磨具的组织和性能的影响。
- Description Unicoloured, needle-punched, 100% synthetic sports surface, with coated backing and PVC pad, stabilised with glass fibre mesh. 颜色均一、针孔状100%25合成运动表面,有PVC衬垫背层,玻璃纤维网维持尺寸稳定性。
- For bearings an injection moulded snaptype cage of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6 (d), please check availability prior to ordering. 装有注模玻璃纤维增强尼龙6,6卡式保持架(d)的轴承,在订货前应先查询供货情况。
- The strengths reported are usually on "virgin" glass fibres. 通常报道的强度是“新生”玻璃纤维的强度。
- The strength of glass fibres presents a more complex picture. 玻璃纤维的强度情况很复杂。
- The sliding layer of glass fibre reinforced plastic containing PTFE is injection moulded in situ inside the housing washer. 含PTFE玻璃纤维增强塑料的滑动层是在轴承座圈内注射成型。
- The filtration materials: glass fibre, PP, PET, cotton fabric, activated carbon, paper etc.The filters are used for filtration of gas.Oil. Water etc. 过滤材料有玻纤、丙纶、涤纶、棉、活性炭、纸等。产品广泛用于气体、油品、水等的过滤。
- The alkaline solution had very strong corrosion action on the glass fibre and calcium ion showed the most obvious corrosion action on the glass fibre. 实验表明碱性溶液对玻璃纤维具有很强的侵蚀作用,其中钙离子对玻璃纤维的侵蚀作用最为显著;
- And the pulses would travel over glass fibres, not copper wire. 并且脉冲能够通过玻璃纤维承载,不是铜丝。
- The sulphoaluminate cement had a relatively low alkaline hydrated product and was suitable for glass fibre reinforced cement composite. 硫铝酸盐水泥水化产物碱性较低,适合于制作玻璃纤维增强水泥基复合材料。
- The filtration materials:glass fibre,PP,PET,cotton fabric,activated carbon,paper etc.The filters are used for filtration of gas.Oil.water etc. 过滤材料有玻纤、丙纶、涤纶、棉、活性炭、纸等。产品广泛用于气体、油品、水等的过滤。