- Found an object with a non unique name. 发现一个非唯一名称。
- How low can a Sudoku go while still ensuring it has only one unique solution? 如果一个数独有唯一解,那么它最少可以有多少个提示数字?
- The Xerox NuveraTM Digital Production System where your unique needs meet their unique solution. 数码生产系统中,其独特的解决方案能满足您独特的需求。
- Results linear complementary problem have unique solution when M is generalized positive definite matrix. 结果得到了当M是广义正定矩阵时,线性互补问题存在唯一解。
- This paper focuses on the integration of current CAX technologies and VR/VE technologies, and gives a unique solution. 本文主要研究现有的CAX技术与VR/VE技术的集成方法和实现技术,并开发出相应的软件工具。
- When it is solvable, the unique solution which is the optimal approximation to a given matrix is also given. 其次,给出了可解时解集合中与给定矩阵最佳逼近的解;
- Mudbox introduces new ideas and combines familiar concepts in fresh ways to offer a unique solution for high-end commercial modeling and design. 能很好的整合到制作流程中去。开发团队的高端影视行业背景更使得该软件拥有无与伦比的性能。
- Using satellites to deliver single photon or entangled photon pairs is a unique solution to realize long-distance quantum communications networks. 利用卫星来分发单光子(或纠缠光子对)的方法为远程量子通信网络提供了一种独特的解决方案。
- To become the premier blended learning solution and service provider by taking advantage of the unique solution, operation experience and market share. 将混合教学理念应用于培训与教育的各个领域,帮助企业、教育机构和个人成功解决培训与学习的“成本、速度、规模、效果”难题。
- There are some problems such as no unique solution, large misalignment in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation (SAEC) caused by high correlation between stereo signals. 摘要针对立体声回波对消中左右两声道的回波具有强相关性而导致自适应滤波器解不唯一、失配大等一系列问题,提出一种新的基于频移变换的去相关非线性预处理方法。
- In this paper, the boundary value problem is considered. The sufficient conditions that guarantee the existence of a unique solution of the above problem are obtained. 摘要考虑一类二阶时滞微分方程的无穷边值问题,从分析这类方程的解对初值的依赖性得到了保证这类边值问题存在唯一解的充分条件。
- There are some problems such as no unique solution,large misalignment in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation(SAEC) caused by high correlation between stereo signals. 针对立体声回波对消中左右两声道的回波具有强相关性而导致自适应滤波器解不唯一、失配大等一系列问题,提出一种新的基于频移变换的去相关非线性预处理方法。
- Until now, this has been a private dilemma, unshared, as each woman was left to forge her own unique solution to merging her dual loyalties to work and family. 直到现在,这已经变成了一个私人的困扰,非普遍的,随着每个女人被迫给她定出自己独一无二的解决方案来结合对工作和家庭的双重忠诚。
- Mathematicians do know the solution to the opposite of the minimum number of clues problem: What is the maximum number of givens that do not guarantee a unique solution? 数学家倒是知道最少初始数字相反问题的答案,也就是不能保证唯一解的初盘的最多数字,答案是77。
- Ensemble Prediction can improve the accuracy of mesoscale disaster weather forecast and solve the uncertainty problem of the unique solution of determined numerical prediction. 集合预报是解决"单一"确定性数值预报的"不确定性"问题和提高灾害性天气预报准确率的发展方向。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- Intel has developed unique Solution Recipes that will enable its channel members to provide complete solutions to their customers, backed by top-quality technology and support. 英特尔已开发出独特的解决方案处方,可使其渠道会员凭借顶级技术和支持,为客户提供完整的解决方案。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。