- The problem of non performing assets is troubling the banking industry all over the world and bad assets has become the mortal malady for the Chinese commercial banks. 不良资产问题是当前国际银行业面临的一大难题,也是中国商业银行的心腹大患。
- On Evaluation and Recommendations for Non Performing Assets Stripped from State Commercial Banks 国有商业银行剥离不良资产的评价和建议
- Analysis on the Institutions and Technics of State - owned Banks'Non - performing Assets Disposal 浅析国有商业银行不良资产处置的制度与技术
- A Comparative Study of Non Performing Assets in India in the Global Context - Similarities and Dissimilarities, Remedial Measures 全球背景下印度不良资产比较研究:异同点和补救措施
- non performing assets 不良资产
- In addition, the asset auction because Jingpai full, and some items were even more than the amount assessed value of the assets disposed of. 另外,此次资产拍卖由于竞拍充分,有的项目成交金额甚至超过了资产处置的评估值。
- non - performing assets of banks 银行不良资产
- In recent years, reduction of China's non performing loans(NPLs) of state-owned commercial banks has been effective. 摘要近年来我国国有商业银行不良资产处理成效明显,不良债权数量下降较快。
- A New Way to Dispose of the Financial Institutions'Non - Performing Assets 我国金融机构不良资产处置新思路
- The legal divisions shall be mainly responsible for reviewing the legality of the asset disposal. 法律部门主要负责资产处置合规、合法性审核。
- Asset disposals, one obvious way of raising cash, are extremely hard to pull off at the moment. 而资产处置--一个募集现金显而易见的办法--在非常这个时期也很难作到。
- stagnant debts and bad debts;non performing funds 呆帐与坏帐
- non- performing assets securitization 不良资产证券化
- disposition of non- performing assets 不良资产处置
- Commercial Banking, debt-to-equity swap, financial assets disposal, investment and operation of venture capital and strategical capital, reorganization of equity and debt, reformation of state-owned enterprise. 商业银行业务;债转股业务;金融资产处置业务;风险资本、策略资本投资及运作;权益、债务重组;国有企业改制业务;
- Current Chinese nonperforming assets disposing systems mostly include bad debt reserve system, supplying bank capital, centralized trusteeship treatment by setting up asset management companies (AMCs), and bank self treatment. 我国现行的不良资产处置制度安排主要是呆帐准备金制度、补充银行资本金、成立资产管理公司集中处置及要求银行自行处置。 虽然这一制度安排取得了一定的成效,但从统计数据的深入分析看来,在处置效率上存在着缺陷,主要表现在不良资产比率未得到根本性好转、债转股成效不尽人意等方面。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- Resolving Non Performing Loans of Commercial Banks Root And Branch 试析商业银行不良资产的标本兼治
- According to the insiders, the Great Wall Asset Management Corporation's auction of bad assets disposal activities is to have a maximum holding of national assets, a useful attempt to reduce losses. 业内人士认为,长城资产管理公司此次实施的不良资产处置拍卖活动,是为了最大限度地保全国有资产、减少损失的一次有益尝试。
- ICBC head of the Department of Risk Management assets Zhang Yuan sea, in the asset disposal, pricing, and the choice of auction companies, ICBC has a relatively standardized system. 工商银行总行资产风险管理部总经理张元海表示,在资产处置方式、价格制定以及拍卖公司的选择方面,工行有一套比较规范的制度。