- Subspace model identification (SMI) methods, a new class of black-box algorithms to setting up a linear state space model directly from input-output data, have drawn much research attention recently. 摘要子空间模型辨识方法(SMI)是一类新兴的直接估计线性状态空间模型的黑箱建模方法,近年来获得了广泛关注。
- The FBC is a non linear system which is chaotic. 流化床燃烧系统是一个具有混沌特性的非线性动力系统;
- Each observable is represented by a densely defined Hermitian( or self-adjoint) linear operator acting on the state space. 每个可见由详细定义的厄密共轭(者同一伴随矩阵)用于状态矢量空间线性操作者来表现。
- Each observable is represented by a densely defined Hermitian (or self-adjoint) linear operator acting on the state space. 每个可见由详细定义的厄密共轭(或者同一伴随矩阵)作用于状态矢量空间线性操作者来表现。
- The state space of piecewise linear dynamic system is cut into some linear subspaces by several switching surfaces. 分段线性动态系统的状态空间被切换面分割成若干个线性子区间。
- Using lifting techniques, a linear time-invariant state space model of multirate digital control systems is constructed at first. 首先利用提升技术,构造出多采样率数字控制系统的线性时不变状态空间模型。
- NON LINEAR VOLTAGE DEPENDENT DISC HARGE RESISTORS By Power Development Co. Ltd[S]. 中国科学院等离子体物理研究所.;二滩水力发电厂励磁系统咨询报告[R]
- The present study is useful for non linear analysis,crack analysis,and overloading analysis of arch dams. 根据该模型编制了相应的程序,并对小湾拱坝进行了非线性分析、超载分析及开裂范围和开裂尺寸的研究。
- A technique is proposed to improve the properties of ESN solution,which performs ridge regression in the reservoir state space instead of the previous linear regression. 针对ESN学习算法中可能存在的解的奇异问题;利用岭回归方法代替原有的线性回归算法.
- A non linear photochromic mask layer can be utilized for super resolution optical data storage. 利用光致变色介质的非线性效应特性制成掩膜,可以实现超分辨率光存储。
- Keywords: VBARX, system identification, state space model, modal parameters. 关键词:VBARX、系统识别、状态空间、模态参数。
- This paper analysis the limitations of traditional optimization metheods for a kind of non linear programming(NLP). 对间歇化工过程用水网络优化提出了基于非线性规划的优化设计方法。
- Based on input-output data, state space models are directly identified by the SMI methods combined with the system theory, linear algebra and statistics. 这类方法综合了系统理论,线性代数和统计学三方面的思想,其特点是直接由输入输出数据辨识系统的状态空间模型,因而非常适合多变量系统辨识。
- The main idea is to make full use of the decorrelation of two complex-valued vectors in generating independent components by non linear decorrelation. 结合非正则复向量的协方差矩阵和伪协方差矩阵构造出了新的代价函数,进而提出新算法,通过复非线性不相关,从混合信号中提取出复值独立分量。
- A multiple ARX model has been set up based on the state space theory. 从状态空间理论出发,建立多维ARX模型,推得了结构的模态参数。
- By using the wavelet transform and the non linear optimization,we calculated parameters and determined the saltation edges of the differential ECG. 微分心电信号的突变特性反映了心肌除极波前在传播过程中的临界点现象,有可能解释心电图高频成分的成因。
- A multi-variable process may be imaged to a multidimensional state space. 化工过程中存在多种状态,多变量过程可以在多维的状态空间中描述。
- Abstract The power automatic control system on nuclear heating reactor (NHR) is a multi input &multi output non linear system. 摘要 核供热堆功率自动控制系统是一个多输入多输出的非线性系统。
- The real-time monitoring to the power network can be realized with the linear state estimation of voltage phasor. 由于对电网电压相量的状态估计是线性的,因此能实时实现对电网的监视。
- The stability of dissolving cavity for the low depth thin layer rock salt has been researched by the ADINA non linear finite element method. 为了延长盐矿井的寿命,避免开采带来的地面沉陷,并合理利用形成的溶腔,必须探讨岩盐水溶开采过程中影响溶腔稳定性的因素,以便即时采取有效的防治措施。