- Key word:Non Government Organizations; Political participation; Civil Society; Political culture? 关键词:非政府组织;政治参与;市民社会;政治文化?
- Wang Ching(Beijing): organiser of non government art gallery and performance art activities. 陈兆聪(香港):戏剧工作者、呐喊剧团创始人及艺术总监。
- His government runs the press and jails opponents. 他的政府掌握着媒体的喉舌和国家暴力机关。
- What is needed is a monopolistic company, perhaps government run, that can be trusted to provide safe food to the public at an affordable price. 我们需要的是一个垄断企业,可能是政府运作的可以信赖的企业,为公众提供安全可靠的食品,并且价格是公众可以支付得起的。
- Plot Outline: After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed. 在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑.
- Three International Non Government Organizations are sending Doctor's to the seminars, as they realise the importance of the training and the benefit that can be gained for the Chinese people. 三个国际民间组织也派了一些医生参加此次研讨会,因为他们都认识到了此次研讨会的重要性及中国人能获得的利益及进步。
- After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed. 在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑.
- Non governmental education in Qing Dynasty is discussed concerning its diverse forms, features, and its service to the feudal ruling class. 研究了清代民间教育的种类、特征及社会功能 ,揭示了其为封建统治阶级服务的实质
- PSI, an international non-profit, non governmental organization working on health care in Yunnan and Guangxi, is recruiting for the following position to be located in Yunnan. 美国国际人口服务组织(PSI)云南办事处是一个致力于在云南省和广西省开展卫生保健工作的非赢利国际性非政府组织。
- Non Government Standard Integrated Process Team 非政府标准综合过程小组
- Investigation Report on Way of Running Colleges in Austrian Salzburg Uni. , German Potsdam Uni. and Their P.E Institutes and Dept. 奥地利萨尔茨堡大学、德国波茨坦大学办学体制及体育院系考察报告
- Because man is limited, finite, and bound by his creatureliness, governments run by men must of necessity also limit their activities. 因为人被限制、规范于他被造者的身份,由人所组织的政府就必须也要限制其权力范围。
- During recessions, the federal government runs a budget deficit to stimulate the economy. 在经济衰退期间,联邦政府利用预算赤字来刺激经济。
- private - run colleges and universities 私立高校
- civilian run colleges and universities 民办高校
- In the eyes of lecturer, vote and taxation are different issues. When people deny to vote, the government runs too, but not taxing, it doomed. 但在演讲者的眼里,投票与纳税是不同的两码事。当人们不投票时,政府依然可以运作,然而,当人们不纳税时,政府也就寿终正寝了。
- people - run colleges and universities 民办高校
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- civilian - run colleges and universities 民办高校
- Civilian- run colleges and universities 民办高校