- non glutinous rice 粳稻
- The grain shop is now in need of glutinous rice. 那粮店现在正需要糯米。
- Very famous gun battery made of glutinous rice. 非常有名的糯米饭炮台。
- There could be glutinous rice batteries. 用糯米饭做的炮台。
- Add water gradually into glutinous rice flour. 把清水慢慢加入糯米粉中。
- Zongzi,with glutinous rice wrpped into bamboo or reed leaves. 粽子是用竹叶或者芦苇叶包入糯米做的.
- The coat covering the soft candies is made from glutinous rice. 包裹软糖的江米纸是由糯米做成的。
- The milk-clotting mechanism of glutinous rice wine was studied. 研究了江米酒制作米酒奶的凝乳机理。
- Rural households are glutinous rice dumplings wrapped eat. 农村家家户户都裹糯米粽子吃。
- I certainly busy slightly fried glutinous rice cakes! 我当然在忙着煎年糕咯!
- Do have a taste of the fermented glutinous rice wine that I made myself. 今天你要尝尝我亲手酿制的甜酒。
- People in southern China like to drink fermented glutinous rice wine. 南方人喜欢喝由江米制成的江米酒。
- In fact, glutinous rice was only one of the materials used to build batteries. 其实,这糯米只是修建炮台的原料之一。
- Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of glutinous rice sausage. 本公司专心致力于供应糯米肠。
- The glutinous rice wine with fried eggs at this restaurant is tasty. 这家饭店做的醪糟鸡蛋味道很好。
- The glutinous rice wine were prepared through brewing of angel rhizopus sp. 以江米为原料,通过安琪纯种根霉酒曲和民间传统甜酒曲发酵制备江米甜酒。
- Yuanxiao, round balls made of glutinous rice flour stuffed with sugar fillings, symbolize reunion. 元宵以糯米粉为皮,内裹糖馅,圆形,是“团圆”的象征。
- If time permits, people will soak glutinous rice, wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi themselves. 如果时间允许,人们会自己泡糯米,洗箬叶,包粽子。
- On this day, people eat yuanxiao, dumplings made of glutinous rice flour with sweet stuffings. 在这一天,人们要吃元宵。它外面是糯米,里面包有甜的馅。
- On that day, all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks, and pop corn as part of the festivity. 这一天,家家户户还要吃面条、炸油糕、爆玉米花,以示吉庆。