- It is noteworthy that the fund assets scale's shrinkage not redeems causes. 值得注意的是,基金资产规模的缩水并不是赎回所导致的。
- Besides, the fund managers should improve the ability to allocate the fund assets and decentralize the investment. 此外,开放式基金要提高基金资产配置能力,注意分散化投资。
- Segregated and mutual fund assets remained relatively unchanged as net new deposits were offset by a decrease in fund values due to equity market declines. 独立及互惠基金资产相对维持不变,是由于股市下调令基金减值,抵销新存款净额。
- The aggregate investments made by the Fund in the Bond and short-term corporate bonds offered by one issuer may not exceed 10% of the net value of the Fund asset. 二、货币市场基金投资于同一公司发行的短期融资券及短期企业债券的比例,合计不得超过基金资产净值的百分之十。
- This took place on the reference date of October 31,1998,when the Land Fund assets,amounting to about $211.4 billion,were placed with the Exchange Fund for the account of the Land Fund. 这项安排以一九九八年十月三十一日为三考日期,土地基金为数达2,114亿元的资产于当日正式并入外汇基金的土地基金账目内。
- This took place on the reference date of October 31, 1998, when the Land Fund assets, amounting to about $211.4 billion, were placed with the Exchange Fund for the account of the Land Fund. 这项安排以一九九八年十月三十一日为叁考日期,土地基金为数达2,114亿元的资产于当日正式并入外汇基金的土地基金账目内。
- Hedge fund assets in securities of high liquidity, the hedge funds can make use of fund assets to facilitate loans for mortgages. 对冲基金的证券资产的高流动性,使得对冲基金可以利用基金资产方便地进行抵押贷款。
- Based on his review of the status quo and the foreseeable gap between the income and expense of Chinese pension fund, the author proposes to transfer state corporate interest to pension fund asset, given its necessity, urgency and feasibility. 本文分析了我国基本养老保险基金的收支现状,预测了基金的收支缺口,探讨了划拨国有股充实养老保险基金的必要性、紧迫性及操作设想。
- Merger of Land Fund Assets into Exchange Fund 土地基金资产并入外汇基金
- Fund Assets Evaluation and Relevant Policy 基金净值与估值政策探讨
- Also, some funds allow big investors to put in and yank out tens of millions of dollars at a time, maximizing the funds' assets but also raising trading and tax bills. 同样,一些基金允许大的投资者同时投入或抽出上千万美元的投资,使基金规模最大化但同时也提高了交易赋税。
- Hedge funds' assets have increased more than thirtyfold since l990, and they are now competing with traditional financial companies such as banks and private equity firms. 1990年以来,对冲基金的资产规模扩大了30多倍,现在,他们正与银行、私有股本公司这样的传统金融企业一拼高下。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- Undertake to use Fund assets to illegally convey benefits; 承诺利用基金资产进行利益输送;
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Hedge funds' assets have increased more than thirtyfold since l990, and they are now competing with traditional financial companies such as banks and private equity firms (see pages 75,76). 1990年以来,对冲基金的资产规模扩大了30多倍,现在,他们正与银行、私有股本公司这样的传统金融企业一拼高下。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。