- A finite list of choices; our finite fossil fuel reserves. 为数有限的选择; 我们有限的矿物燃料贮量
- Coal is usually referred to as a fossil fuel. 煤通常被称为矿物燃料。
- Fossil fuel could be used up one day. 矿物燃料总有一天会用尽。
- Taiwan is short of fossil fuel, such as gasoline. 台湾短缺化石燃料;比如像是石油.
- Yes, I have heard that we must burn less fossil fuel( beep beep! 是的,我已经听说我们必须要少使用化石燃料(吡!
- Could we reduce fossil fuel consumption to avoid global warming? 我们减少煤炭消耗能够避免全球变暖?
- A finite list of choices;our finite fossil fuel reserves. 为数有限的选择;我们有限的矿物燃料贮量
- Too much ADB money is still chan-neled toward fossil fuel energy. 亚银有太多经费投注在石化能源业。
- Glass is heavy, so transporting it uses up a lot of fossil fuel. 玻璃很重,因此运载它们需要消耗很多的化石燃料。
- If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. 如果我们浪费矿物燃料,我们就威胁文明。
- Existing fossil fuel stations are "mothballed" for use only as a last resort. 现有的矿物燃料发电站被“封存”,仅在万不得已时使用。
- Ideas for reducing fossil fuel use by business vary from pedestrian to whacky. 让企业降低化石燃料用量的建议可谓形形色色,从平常到怪诞应有尽有。
- The burning of fossil fuels also releases CO2. 燃料的燃烧也可以释放一部分二氧化碳。
- Coal is a fossil fuel. 煤是一种矿物燃料。
- This paper analyses the non full phase of the main switch in a fossil fueled power unit with the method of symmetry ponderance in theory. 利用对称分量法,对火电单元发电机组主开关非全相运行从理论上加以详细分析,并结合电厂实际情况,分析其现象、危害,最后提出相应的处理方法。
- We combust coal and other fossil fuels. 我们使用煤碳及其他化石燃料做燃料。
- Burning fossil fuels pollutes the air. 石化燃料的燃烧污染了空气。
- Extracting fossil fuels despoils the landscape. 石化燃料的提炼掠夺了景观。
- We are also looking at the potential for developing waste-to-energy incineration so as to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel. 我们也会深入探讨可否使用废物焚化发电,从而减少依赖矿物燃料。
- Power generated from wind, water and sunlight are commonly viewed as preferable to combustion of fossil fuel. 利用风力;水力;太阳能产生的能量;要比燃烧石油优越得多.