- They reminded him of his contractual obligations. 他们提醒他注意合同规定的义务。
- The builders failed to meet their contractual obligations. 建筑商没能履行合同中规定的义务。
- NDT services are now very much a part of contractual obligations. NDT服务现在是合同双方义务的很大一部分。
- We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations. 就合同双方要承担的义务方面,我们没有什么意见。
- The last four Argentine Draft Civil Codes unify both contractual and non contractual liability systems. There is also a strong tendency among the Peruvian doctrine. 最后的四个阿根廷民法典草案都统一了契约与非契约责任制度。这种趋势也强烈地体现在秘鲁的学说中。
- We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations both parties. 就合同双方要承担的义务方面,我们没有什么意见。
- Partners are taxed as individuals and are personally liable for torts and contractual obligations. 合伙企业中的合伙人被视为自然人纳税人,由其自己承担由于其侵权及违约行为所导致的法律后果。
- It provides the principal contractual obligations determining how governments frame and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations. 它规定了,政府决策机构如何设立和实施国内贸易立法与法规的主要契约性义务。
- A contract is enforceable by law, and the party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation. 合同依法实施,未能履行合同义务的一方可能受到起诉,并被强制作出赔偿。
- Deposit: any guarantee offered with money by the Leasee in order to ensure the Leasee's performance of his contractual obligations. 保证金:为保证承租方履行合同义务,由承租方提供的资金形式的担保。
- You shall inform him about the beginning and cessation of circumstances preventing fulfillment of the contractual obligations. 你要告诉他(我们)不能按约执行义务的原委.
- Giving formal notice to the Contractor that for unforeseen reasons, due to economic dislocation, it is impossible for him to continue to meet his contractual obligations. 正式通知承包人,因不可预见的原因,鉴于经济混乱,其无法再履行其合同义务
- A case of force majeure shall be considered as any external, unforeseeable and insurmountable event that makes it impossible to perform all or part of the contractual obligations. 不可抗力应当被认定为导致合同义务不能完成或部分不能完成的任何外部的、不可预知且不能克服的事件。
- You have a contractual obligation to finish the building this month. 你受合同的约束,要在本月完成这项建筑。
- Contract awarding units and contractors should fully fulfill their contractual obligations. Failure to fulfill contractual obligations is subject to contract-breach responsibilities under the laws. 发包单位和承包单位应当全面履行合同约定的义务。不按照合同约定履行义务的,依法承担违约责任。
- The term "executory contract" refers to a contract, the contractual obligations of which fail to be performed by the relevant contracting parties, or some of the equal obligations have been performed. 待执行合同,是指合同各方尚未履行任何合同义务,或部分地履行了同等义务的合同。
- You have a contractual obligation to finish the school building this week. 按合同规定,贵公司应在本周内完成这幢教学大楼的工程。
- The term “executory contract” refers to a contract the contractual obligations of which the parties concerned fail to perform, or some of the equal obligations have been performed. 待执行合同,是指合同各方尚未履行任何合同义务,或部分地履行了同等义务的合同。
- The industry fell into a trap of high costs, including unaffordable benefits and a morass of regulatory and contractual obligations that enabled foreign producers to take a growing share of the U. 汽车产业深陷在高成本的困境中,包括无法负担的员工福利,以及法规与合约义务所形成的泥沼,以致国外厂商在美国的市佔率日益升高。
- This paper discusses the way of affirming the contractual relationship between network operator of cable TV and its consumer so that constrain the former to fulfil its contractual obligations. 摘要讨论在强制缔约条款缺位的情况下,如何确认用户与有线电视网络经营者的合同关系,从而要求后者履行相应的合同义务。