- Amortizing Loan : Use this calculator to determine how much money you can borrow based on the monthly payment you can afford. 4.;财务比率:有时候,你事业中的某些领域需要对其他领域投入特殊关注。用这个财务比率计算器算出都有哪些。
- Calculators are included for amortizing loans, comparing interest rates, and creating savings plans. 包括用于分期偿还借贷,比较利息率,以及创建储蓄计划的计算器。
- Extension risk is one of the risk factors of amortizable loan which can lead to the future cash flow and discount change. 摘要延迟风险是抵押贷款的风险因子之一,导致未来现金流和贴现率发生变化。
- The new loan has been oversubscribed. 新债券的认购已超额了。
- It galled him to have to ask for a loan. 必须向人借钱使他感到羞辱。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- I have the book on loan from the library. 我从图书馆借来这本书。
- I hope this small loan will see you through. 我希望这笔小贷款能使你渡过难关。
- She has a piano on loan from her friend. 她正在借用朋友的钢琴。
- The bank gave him a loan and that did the business. 银行给他提供了一笔贷款,问题于是行到了解决。
- The People's Bank made a timely loan to them. 人民银行及时给了他们贷款。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. 银行催我们偿还贷款。
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- I propose to repay the loan at20 a month. 我打算每月偿还贷款20英镑。
- He waylaid me with a request for a loan. 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。
- He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。
- We'll need to secure a bank loan. 我们需获银行贷款。
- Both had reneged on paying off the loan. 两人都违背了还清贷款的诺言。