- non shared resources 非共享资源
- Mutual exclusion is the method of serializing access to shared resources. 互斥是一个线性访问共享资源的方法。
- Powerful nations are building space stations to share resources. 强国都纷纷建立太空站,分享太空资源。
- This shared resource does not exist. 此共享的资源不存在。
- A: Yes, sharing resources between computers. 当然,在电脑间共享资源。
- A:yes,sharing resources between computers. 彼止可以共享资源。
- Logical partitions share resources of the same machine where they reside. 逻辑分区共享它们所在的同一台计算机上的资源。
- Every NLS user could share resources and documents with other users. 每个NLS用户都能和其他用户分享资源、文件。
- Is the name of the shared resource that you want to use. 是要使用的共享资源的名称。
- Often, to accommodate parallel projects across shared resources, managers elect to split resources into percentages. 通常,透过共用资源来适应类似的专案,管理者选择把资源分成百分比。
- A guarantee of exclusive access to a shared resource. 唯一访问共享资源的保证。
- Encapsulates operating systemspecific objects that wait for exclusive access to shared resources. 封装等待对共享资源的独占访问的操作系统特定的对象。
- Semaphore object is an operating system object that is used to control access to a pool of shared resources. 信号对象是一种用于控制对共享资源池的访问的操作系统对象。
- By default, it uses the same shared resources directory as Functional Tester but creates its own package group. 缺省情况下,它使用与Functional Tester相同的共享资源目录,但会创建自己的软件包组。
- Linking to files is useful when working in teams on shared resources; many projects can link to a file in one location. 当以组方式对共享资源操作时,链接到文件十分有用;可以有许多项目链接到一个位置的某个文件。
- If not, the thinking goes, then selfinterest self-interest will lead to overuse and destruction of shared resources. 如果没有,想法就不成立,那么自身利益会导致过渡使用和破坏共享的资源。
- A locking policy determining the synchronization mechanisms for internal access to shared resources. 一种锁定策略确定对共享资源内部访问的同步机制。
- If not the thinking goes then self-interest will lead to overuse and destruction of shared resources. 假如不是,理论表明自利将导致分享资源的滥用及毁灭。
- While peer authentication is clearly important, it is often just as important to authenticate shared resources - content in particular. 对等认证无疑是重要的,但通常同样重要的是对共享资源的认证特别是内容。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。