- non karst area 非岩溶区
- Ground collapse is a common geological hazard in shallow buried karst area. 地面塌陷是浅埋岩溶区常见的一种地质灾害。
- The improved AHP method and the entropy weight method were used to appraise the forestry sustainbale development in Karst area of Guizhou province. 摘要采用改进的层次分析法和熵权法进行了贵州省喀斯特地区林业可持续发展的评价研究。
- Karst Area, the margin of desert and loess altiplano are eco-environmental frail zones in China. 喀斯特山区、沙漠边缘及黄土高原是我国的生态环境脆弱带。
- The level of the moisture content of the soil is in close relations to ecology, especially in the karst area. 摘要土壤含水率的高低与生态变化的关系密切,尤其是在岩溶地区。
- The structure of soil and rock is extremly complex in the discordance formation system in Karst area. 摘要岩溶地区不整合地层系统之岩土构成复杂。
- Karst rocky desertification hazard is one important geo-ecological disaster existing in the karst area. 摘要喀斯特石漠化灾害是存在于喀斯特区的一种重要的地质-生态灾害。
- Pigeonpea is one of the best crops used as forage for animal husbandry in karst area in Guangxi. 因此,木豆是解决桂西石山区畜牧饲料的最好作物之一。
- Bukang EMM residue dam owned by CITIC Dameng Mining Industries Limited Daxin Branch locates in the typical Karst area. 如何搞好渣库建设,实现锰渣的安全合理堆存且不造成环境污染,是中国锰矿企业所面临的问题。
- The diversity index and species richness index of original vegetation in Karst area are lower than in nonkarst area. 石灰岩地区原生植被生物多样性和物种丰富度指数较砂页岩地区的原生植被低。
- National Karst area is mainly distrubuted in Diang、Qiang and guei three provinces. 滇、黔、桂的岩溶是我国最集中的分布区域。
- The karst formation of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park has evolved since the Palaeozoic (some 400 million years ago) and so is the oldest major karst area in Asia. 丰芽格邦国家公园的喀斯特地貌的形成是从古生代(大约40亿年前)开始的,是亚洲最古老的喀斯特地貌。
- The karst area in Guizhou Province was classified into five eco-economic categories by the principal component analysis and fuzzy poly-class method. 摘要运用主成分分析法和聚类分析法,对贵州喀斯特地区的生态经济类型进行了划分。
- Maize is a main upland grain and forage crop in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, which is mostly planted over the karst area and hilly belt. 玉米是广西壮族自治区主要旱地作物和饲料作物,通常在喀斯特熔岩地区和山区种植。
- Karst Immersion-Waterlogging Hazards peculiar to the karst area is a Hazards which closely relates to the social economy of mankind. 摘要岩溶浸没内涝灾害是岩溶区特有的,并且是一种与人类社会经济密切相关的灾害类型。
- The rocky desertification in Karst area has become one of the principal factors to restrain environment improvement and social economy development. 喀斯特地区石质荒漠化已成为制约山区生态环境改善和社会经济发展的重要因素之一。
- The largely distributed karst area in South China is representative karst terrain in the world, and is rich in nature resources, but environmentally frail. 摘要中国南方喀斯特地区面积大,自然资源丰富,生态环境脆弱,在世界喀斯特地区中极具代表性。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- It is located in a karst area and the White Water Terrace occupies an area of three square kilometers and is one of the largest white Tosca terraces in China. 在白水台左侧的,一泉台形似一弯新月,清泉盈盈四溢,相传是仙女梳妆的地方。泉台左边下侧,一石穹窿,洁白如玉,形如一怀孕女子,是当地群众从奉生殖神的地方。白水台不仅是一个风光秀丽的地方,他还是那西文化的发祥地。