- nominal single dose equivalent 名义单次剂量当量
- nominal single dose 名义单次剂量, 剂量归一
- The individual annual affective dose equivalent is 1.05 msv. 人均年吸收剂量当量为1.;05msv。
- Rats , mice and dogs are available for the single dose toxicity study. 本中心可开展小鼠、大鼠、犬等动物的单次给药毒性试验。
- The calculation of DWC is based on the ALI of waterand limit of annual effective dose equivalent for the public. DWC的计算是基于公众的年摄入量限值(ALI)和年有效剂量当量限值。
- The personal annual effective dose equivalent caused by radon daughters is 0.88 mSv. 氡子体产生的个人年有效剂量当量为0.;88mSv。
- On the basis of the time statistics of civil flight, the dose equivalent of civil aircrew was estimated. 研究了宇宙射线剂量率与海拔高度、地理经度和地磁纬度的关系;对国内航班飞行时间进行了统计,估算了机组人员的受照剂量。
- Aztreonam, which is active only against gram-negative bacilli, also is useful when given in a single dose. 第三代头孢菌素如头孢他啶单剂量使用是有效的,作为仅对革兰氏阴性杆菌有效的阿奇霉素,(单剂量使用)也同样有效。
- Results Ambient dose equivalent is recommended in the radiation region monitoring for the above 25 keV photons. 结果对强贯穿辐射外照射进行区域监测,防护仪的测量结果应采用周围剂量当量表达。
- The recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. 建议一次剂量为1安瓿,皮下,肌肉或静脉注射给药。
- Dose equivalent of exposure dose in mammary is the highest, those in thyroid is the secondary, and genitical gland area has the lowest dose. 各敏感器官以乳腺受照剂量当量最大,其次为甲状腺,性腺区最少。
- Single dose injection method is used for substances with slow renal excretion rate. 单个剂量注射法,这可用于肾排泄率缓慢的试验物质。
- All dose equivalent of exposure dose in sensitive organs in non-projection center in high KV photography lower than those in low KV photography. 高管电压摄片时,非投照中心点各敏感器官受照剂量当量均比低管电压摄片时低。
- The ideal technology would be a vaccine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose. 最理想的技术是发明一种疫苗,只要注射一次,就可终生免疫。
- The concepts of(somatic and ICRP's)effective dose equivalent are explained with the li-near non-threshold hypothesis for stochastic effects and additivity of smallprobabilities. 阐述了小剂量下随机效应的线性无阈假定发生率的可叠加原理及由此发展起来的躯体有效剂量当量与 ICRP 有效剂量当量。
- Objective:To discuss the advantages of single dose epidural block in Anesthesia. 目的探讨单次硬膜外阻滞在小儿麻醉中的优越性。
- Conclusion When the KV is as high as possible and the exposure field is as small as possible, each dose equivalent of exposure dose of organs out of exposure field is decrease. 结论:胸部摄片时管电压越高,照射野越小,照射野外各部位受照剂量当量亦越少。
- Objective To investigate the magnitude of dose equivalent of exposure dose in different organs of human being using high and low KV X-Ray photography in chest. 摘要目的:探讨胸部高、低管电压X线摄片对人体不同组织器官的受照剂量当量大小。
- Phase I pharmacokinetic single dose study in human volunteers showed that MIV-210 has a high oral bioavailability and no side effects were observed. 一期临床药物单剂量实验中,志愿者显示MIV-210有很高的口服利用率,没有发现副作用。