- The streets were as noisy as ever. 街上和往常一样喧闹。
- The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance. 交通噪音时时刻刻令人烦恼。
- Tell the noisy boys to stay away. 叫那些吵闹的男孩子们走开。
- The little boy is a noisy feeder. 这个小男孩吃东西时发出响声。
- I have got accustomed to noisy sound. 我已习惯于嘈杂声音。
- It is noisy in the kindergarten. 幼儿园里很嘈杂。
- The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class. 老师对那班吵吵嚷嚷的学生皱起了眉头。
- The engine is very noisy at high speed. 这个发动机转速高时噪音非常大。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- She bore with her noisy children. 她忍受着吵闹的孩子们。
- The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren. 这辆公共汽车里挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的小学生。
- Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house. 她的卧室是这座嘈杂房屋中一个难得的安静之处。
- The mother snapped at the noisy children. 母亲厉声斥责吵吵闹闹的孩子。
- The engine of the car has been souped up. 这汽车的发动机加大了马力。
- The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema. 吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。
- He climbed into the cockpit and started the engine. 他爬进座舱,把发动机开动起来。
- Please don't tinker with my car engine. 请不要乱弄我的汽车发动机。
- The blacksmith's shop is always noisy. 这个铁匠铺经常很吵。
- He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy. 他爱吵闹,但在其他方面却是个好孩子。
- I'd only gone five miles when the engine packed up. 我刚开出5英里,汽车的引擎就出了毛病。