- That is no argument for managerial complacency. 当然管理当局绝对不能够太过自满
- The tone in his voice brooked no argument. 他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。
- I mean that there should be no argument about this. 我的意思是不许对此事有任何争论。
- Jackson got no argument from reserve forward Luke Walton. 杰克逊对替补前锋卢克沃尔顿没有异议。
- Having fired away all his best points, the speaker had no argument left. 演讲者抛出了他的所有最佳论据之后,连一个论据也提不出来了。
- Having fired away all his best points,the speaker had no argument left. 演讲者抛出了他的所有最佳论据之后,连一个论据也提不出来了。
- No argument I have can top this picture, but let me try to get close. 我的任何论据都比不过这副图,但我会试着做到与它接近。
- This function takes no arguments. 此函数没有参数。
- No arguments or fights are allowed. 不许争论或打架。
- No arguments from Steve Clarke to that summary. 克拉克的总结也赞扬了球队的表现。
- No arguments will give courage to the coward. 没有什么能给懦夫勇气。
- Bertha, who knew that no argument could turn him from his purpose, determined to coach him. 伯莎明知无论怎么争辩也无法叫他回心转意,便决定给他以指导。
- But there is no argument about plans for Scott's distinguished red-brick monument to the Bard. 但对于有关斯科特著名的莎士比亚红砖纪念碑的规划却无任何争议。
- Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it. 尼采说:[要说明]一件事的不合理性,与其驳斥其存在的依据,还不如以一种特定的情况来证明。
- There is no argument on adopting the electronic evidence as the basis for ascertainment of facts. 在司法实践中法院采纳合法的电子证据作为定案的根据已无争议,但是,我国现行法律并未将电子证据列为独立的证据总类,而是同时定位为视听资料和书证,由此导致了对电子证据的认定标准不统一。
- The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it. 尼采:一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。相反,这恰恰是它存在的条件。
- If we wish to specify no arguments or multiple arguments, we need to use the full constructor syntax, as we do in the initializer for the last element. 如果希望不指定实参或指定多个实参,就需要使用完整的构造函数语法,正如最后一个元素的初始化那样。
- I mean that there should be no arguments about this . 我的意思是不许对此事有任何争论。
- The -a option, requiring no argument, instructs NASM to replace its powerful preprocessor with a stub preprocessor which does nothing. -a选项不要求任何参数,通知NASM的强大的预处理器不进行任何处理。
- If there are no arguments, no parentheses are present. 如果没有参数,则没有括号。